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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. You don't need to buy anything inside 'cause we got it all @ Lot 1! Right?! Give Finne a hug for me!
  2. That would be my guess. I've been following TBD over there.
  3. <-------------------------- this.
  4. I just bought two jerseys last year. Grrrrr. Stevie J and Arthur Moats. And now I gotta buy new ones? Marketing ploy I tell ya! *LOL*
  5. Me, too. They would look lovely with our new PINK jerseys.
  6. He posted some cool pics on Twitter. Gotta say he does look Fly!
  7. Today everybody's adding #AndreReedHallOfFame to their tweets. We're trying to get a Trend going. *LOL*
  8. I tend to agree with you. How long has my Company been trying to work out a deal with the NFL to carry the NFL Network?? Don't even get me started. Sigh.
  9. I can't believe it's warmer here in NY than in TX. It's 41 degrees right now!
  10. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
  11. OMG! That was soooooooooooooo cool!
  12. Dunno about CNY, but here in the Southern Tier the dividing line was always Binghamton. West of Binghamton: Bills. East of Binghamton: Giants. I voted and updated our lead.
  13. OK. OK. Ur a close 2nd.
  14. There ya go! *LOL*
  15. I can't believe that in 10 pages nobody has said: SUPER BOWL BABY !!
  16. Ummm...he rarely tweets.
  17. Steelers. Then I want the NFC to win the Super Bowl!
  18. Yep! I'm rooting for the NFC.
  19. I was, too. My best case scenario would have been that they killed each other. I just can't stand arrogant Jets fans. I hope the Steelers crush them. Stupid Patriots*.
  20. I got into it with Talley awhile ago on Twitter. He was dissing some of the current Bills and I didn't like what he was saying and I told him so. He told me he had earned the right to critique the players. I told him there was a fine line between critique and criticize. We're cool now.
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