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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. ~bump~ for Millie.
  2. They have a BIG bottle of it. I've seen it.......from afar.
  3. Actually, our weekend started with an ice cream cone for breakfast.
  4. Reminds me of the time I took my kids to Friendly's for dinner and someone set the clock to 4:20 by the front door. Unfortunately, even my 15-year old knew what it meant.
  5. Ya beat me to it.
  6. Homework? When you can hang with US ? Come on, sue. Get your priorities straight ! LUV YA! squsie.
  7. OMG! How'd you get all those player pictures ?????????
  8. ~bump~ for Millie.
  9. 1977 MG Midget and a couple of Corvettes.
  10. Cindy and I ran into him by the ticket office on Saturday. He had an air boot on his foot and was walking with a crooked-type cane. No crutches! He said he's ahead of schedule. He must be feeling better because he jumped into an SUV with E-80 plates on it and drove off. He stopped twice along the way to sign autographs. Yes......Cindy and I each got one !!
  11. Leave Rian alone.....ya big meanie.
  12. It's because we love you.
  13. Bite your tongue.
  14. See what I mean.....
  15. Must resist....... They were good.....and like Cindy said....they were HOT!
  16. Glad you got home safely, aussiew. It was GREAT meeting you and the boys. You ROCK!
  17. I didn't see them. Of course, I didn't know we had Pepsi, either. *LOL*
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