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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. I'm with you. Joe D. seems to like him alot according to his interview on the front page.
  2. BOOOOOOOO! I'm voting YOU off buck-o.
  3. You nailed it. He even liked Puerto Rico better.
  4. He's 21. Maybe that has something to do with it. *LOL* First cruise. First plane ride, in fact. It's all good.
  5. I just KNEW I could count on you.
  6. OMG.....got mine today. Think I'll frame it!
  7. That was one of the stops on my son's cruise in February. He liked St. Thomas better.
  8. UGH! A red bird.................... P.S. Thanx! Lori.
  9. Nothing wrong with eye candy. But.......we need some of those beefy guys, too.
  10. This is not a Kelsay thread. Grrrrrrrrr.
  11. Go get the scoop, Lori!
  12. Well.....they better hurry up. American Idol is on in 6 minutes.
  13. no.....you aren't.
  14. Sweet!
  15. Too bad the only game I saw McCoy "play" in was the one where he got hurt.....sigh.
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