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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. It was so low it looked like we could almost touch it. Very cool.
  2. You're just lucky you're a cutie. Notice I have a real smile.
  3. Ummmmm......he's not home yet.
  4. *LOL* The thing I can't understand since seeing Miami in person for the 1st time ever is: Why do their uniforms look so light on TV and in the paper? Those babies are DARK teal.
  5. You guys are mean. I give Fiedler ALOT of credit for playing with a cracked rib. I just can't believe Miami was stupid enough to call a play for Fiedler to roll right and throw.
  6. AMEN !! No sucky loser awards THIS week. Wait a minute......guess I could give it to the Phins.
  7. I say spank that fat butt.
  8. That ticked off ALOT of people. And yes......they got booed for it.
  9. I LOVE the new JSP.....'course I love the old JSP, too.
  10. I told the loud drunk morons behind us to "Shut the F up" when we had the ball at the 5-yard line. One of them called me a B word after that. B)
  11. I can't believe I finally got to see the Fish play. I'm really glad they sucked.
  12. Phew. Thank God. I was afraid you created an Ode.
  13. That rule sucks.
  14. You should have seen him after the Bills game. That boy is HUGE !
  15. I actually felt sorry for them when they were getting on the busses. They were all dressed in tailored suits and they looked real classy. (Jason Taylor is gorgeous). I waved buh-bye to them.
  16. He was kicking into the wind. And believe me......it was freaking WINDY !
  17. Don't be a party pooper. WE WON !!!!
  18. Actually I think it was Kent Hull. He was toasted.
  19. He really WAS there. Didn't see him though. He was in the suite under his number on the wall.
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