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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. Paco - 1 SDS - 0
  2. I just called him. He's a very giddy Cards fan right now. WAY TO GO CARDS !!
  3. Cards pouring it on now.
  4. Well......I laugh every time I see YOUR initials because SDS is the name of a refuse company up here. Go with Paige and a different middle name. Seriously. My sister got harrassed because her initials were ELM. Imagine what Paige would go through with the initials PMS.
  5. Good thing they don't pick their nose or grab their crotch.
  6. Don't get pizza sauce on the keyboard.
  7. That was a cool play.
  8. I'm still waiting............
  9. I think you should use the same quote Bill just used on me.
  10. Thank you, Sweetie.
  11. This year the 6 looks like a 5.
  12. Does your train of thought have a caboose ?
  13. How do I set a laser printer to stun ?
  14. I have a computer, a vibrator & pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house ?
  15. Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
  16. Geesh. I said it was joke time. No habla ingles ? Here's one just for you: I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
  17. Oh, boy. Joke time! If I throw a stick, will you leave ?
  18. With all the $ he makes he should hire a voice coach. His voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
  19. First of all.....it WASN'T choreographed. It was totally spontaneous. Second of all......it wasn't in-your-face. Third of all......I don't watch the patriots.
  20. Did you forget to hit the sarcasm button ? I was there. IT WAS AWESOME ! It was worth the 15 yard penalty. B)
  21. Cardinals.
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