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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. *LOL* I'm drinking an extra cup to make sure I push the right levers when I go to vote before work.
  2. You're cool anyway, Chris. B)
  3. That's me before my morning coffee.
  4. One could assume.....no.
  5. Do you have your acceptance speech ready ?
  6. Hey, Uncle Nick....your avatar is making me dizzy.
  7. And........your point is ?
  8. AWESOME pics !! Natasha was soooooo beautiful. I loved the little buffaloes on her veil.
  9. Lot 1 Pole 5 by the Fieldhouse......in the rain.
  10. It's not true, aussiew. I shook his hand......nice long fingers.
  11. Oh, stop making sense.
  12. T-Bone can put his hand on my rear. (if he comes to another game, anyway).
  13. Nah. Put me in Coach.....I'm ready to play.
  14. I broke a fingernail.
  15. Well put, Nose. Most of the people who left early were already out of the parking lot on their way home. There were some diehards like us that didn't leave until the end of the game and had some post-game tailgating until the traffic let up.
  16. Cindy was on the post-game 97-Rock show, too. Way to go, Cindy!
  17. That's why I'm here.
  18. Agreed. P.S. Nice seeing you again, Mark.
  19. Read my reply in the other thread.
  20. Well said, Fez.
  21. Hey....he didn't get sacked, he didn't fumble and he didn't throw an interception. I'm impressed.
  22. All of the above. They were all impressive.
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