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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. I saw that.
  2. We are......BILLS FANS !
  3. I HAD cowbell......but, then it got the infamous red "x" in it.
  4. I hope the patriots kick the ever-loving poop out of the Jets. That'll learn 'em.
  5. Yeah. I got plans for Bib.
  6. Yeah.....and there's one up the street from me. But.......I don't like having to go outside to smoke......and I smoke ALOT during the Bills games. *LOL*
  7. that I can't even see straight. I got a phone call this afternoon from my boss informing me that WBNG, our CBS affiliate in Binghamton, has changed their plan to show the Bills/49ers game this Sunday. They have opted.....once again to show the Jets game. I called and talked to the Sports Director. At first I was very polite and professional, pointing out that the Jets/Pats game has no significance...as the Pats have already clinched the AFC East and the Jets already have a wild card....and the Bills are pursuing the final wild card spot.....which has ALL the significance in the world. He said.....sorry......we're not changing our minds. We then proceeded to get into quite the disagreement......actually, it was an all out shouting match. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: WBNG
  8. I still can't believe they only chose THREE.
  9. AHHHHHH.......thanks, Cindy. You have a new little , huh ?
  10. I found it ! Merry Christmas Jayden Paul !!
  11. ARRGH! How'd you sneak THAT one by me ? CONGRATS! Poppa LA.
  12. Who's R. Rich ?
  13. DID YOU SEE ANY OF THE GUYS ?????? Mmmmmmm..........guys. Football guys. Buffalo Bills football guys.
  14. Aren't you supposed to be having a baby right about now ? Babies are cool.
  15. I hope this is Christmas red and not 49er red.
  16. I'm sorry, Sweetie. You coming home for Christmas ?
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