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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. I like Paul. So there.
  2. I agree with your assessment, Mark. I think there will be three girls in the bottom 3, though.
  3. He also bowls alot. I told him he needed to challenge Arthur to a "bowling duel". He said "he not ready". *LOL* Sooooooo....being the instigator that I am, I told Arthur and Arthur said "whenever he want it! He never seen me bowl so I'll get him".
  4. Does my anger show?
  5. Exactly. Mine are already paid for....and I'm not giving them up!
  6. There. I feel a little better now.
  7. Hmm. I love Adam Lambert's screams. *LOL*
  8. There's one from Dansville, too.
  9. Thanx! *LOL* Actually, tonight he's supposedly partying in C-town...sooooo....have no clue. I think the tweet about the kids was just him playin' with us some more. I'll keep ya posted.
  10. He already told me on FB he's signing. P.S. I told him on Twitter to tell his kids that Daddy's always right. *LOL*
  11. Too many good ones to pick from !!
  12. http://www.tvsquad.com/2011/03/01/american-idol-top-12-girls-song-spoilers/
  13. Hmmmm....I think I like those. And funny thing....nfl.com has Bills jerseys on sale for $39.99. Wonder if I should pick up a few more of the old ones.
  14. I dare you to say that to Tom Brady.
  15. Kim Newton. *LOL* U crack me up!
  16. Ummmmm.....I happen to like it.
  17. Wha?? Astro ROCKS!
  18. Where'd all the Cam lovers come from? *LOL*
  19. Not sure, but he likes blue cheese on his sandwiches.
  20. Sweet! Thanx for the info. I've seen that guy on PTI quite a bit. Love that show.
  21. Wannstache. Love it. Thanx for making me almost spit coffee on my monitor!
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