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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. Was too. I DVR'd it.
  2. I was serious. I really just DID watch it. Wanna know what happened ?
  3. I think I need to watch a re-run of "LOST". doo-dee-doo-doo
  4. Where'd he go, anyway ?
  5. Is that a good thing or a bad thing ?
  6. I wore Bills socks today. Dress down day. I wear my Bills jacket EVERY day.
  7. We now resume our regular broadcast.....
  8. Thanx, Sweetie.
  9. .....or am I totally losing my mind ?
  10. Na na. He answers ME! Poor ~NG~.
  11. You're crusin' buck-o.
  12. Cool link, C. Little pricey for me. *LOL* Tell J hello for me.
  13. I personally love chocolate.
  14. I love you.
  15. The auditions for American Idol ended. SF was the last try-out. Sorry.
  16. Congrats! Bob. Ground Hogs Day babies rule. I know that for a fact.
  17. I love you, tapr.
  18. Sorry about your butt, Cindy.
  19. Isn't that technically still the Town of Erwin ? I think that's where my ex-sister-in-law works (or worked). Never can tell these days with Corning, Inc.
  20. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
  21. Today is also my daughter, Jen's, 31st birthday. Although she doesn't read this board.......I have a message for her. Don't even think that I'm not going to ask you if you saw your shadow today.
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