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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. Just some. Besides the Warriors there were the (something-or-other) Riffs, Rogues, Baseball Furies, Punks and Lizzies.
  2. You stole my line. Actually, it's goes.......Warriors......come out and plaaa---ee----ay. I've seen it probably 20+ times. One of my son's favorites.
  3. I think we're all suffering from lake-effect snow.
  4. I need a medium. Thanx, anyway.
  5. You need to come out of retirement, Sweetie.
  6. .......right off the toe of my size 8 1/2's, buck-o.
  7. I thought that was the self-destruct button.
  8. We must be going thru chatroom withdrawal.
  9. Oh, darn. You went back in and put OT on your post.
  10. L-O-S-M-A-N Learn it. Live it. Love it.
  11. I always use that line on my son when he wants something.
  12. Just so you know I'm not a complete lame-o.....I looked on buffalobills.com and it said his number was --.
  13. I'm too lazy to look it up. Thanks.
  14. We finally had our office Christmas Party last night. I drank 5 White Russians. I have a hangover today. And yes......I came home and threw up.
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