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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. Maybe he saw something on the field he didn't like?
  2. Pond is drained, but they haven't found anything. They're digging through a landfill now.
  3. slash is really ugly.
  4. Happy Birthday! Jan.
  5. You said "butt". (hehe) Yep......that's what I'm expecting to see.
  6. Lighten up, Francis. May you never know the heartbreak of a wayward child.
  7. according to FBI findings.....reported on Fox News.
  8. kiwi? I only have bb holes. And pop cans......yeah, lots of pop cans.....although they took them back to the store yesterday.....finally.
  9. vinegar? ewwwwww
  10. erynthered needs to give Ghost_of_Bib a hug
  11. VABills takes pickle juice bubblebaths.
  12. Reuben Gant eats his boogers.
  13. I know T was there......I thought you were, too. T can 'splain to ya.
  14. erynthered isn't very funny
  15. Were you there last year ? I thought you were.
  16. I'd just go to Hilton Head Island, SC and Savannah, GA if I were you.
  17. Frez wants to get slapped.
  18. Ghost_of_Bib is coming to a Bills game this year.
  19. Call ICE ?
  20. Ghost_of_BiB = Casper the Friendly Ghost.
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