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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. I think I love you.
  2. Be sure to throw something at MM, TC and EM for me.
  3. I have a stomach ache already.
  4. ......with plenty of boo-bird droppings, I'll presume.
  5. You spelled stojan wrong.
  6. You get one attaboy, Brandon.
  7. It was not EM's place to open his big mouth. If he wants to be a leader he should prove himself on the field.....
  8. Screw that.....he's a whiny little beeyotch that can't catch the football.
  9. EM's comments on the front page under the AP report.
  10. .....and the custom Hummer you drove in on.
  11. Don't forget Tom Clements.
  12. They certainly have a way about PO'ing the fans, don't they? I better start drawing my START JP and FREE WILLIS signs to drape over the tunnel entrance.
  13. Me too, Sweetie. I won't believe 'til I see it.
  14. Totally agree, Chalkie.
  15. I hope MM's wearing a helmet.
  16. Better not.....or I'll throw something at MM when he enters the tunnel.
  17. .....and Terrence McGee and Willis McGahee.
  18. I like JP Losman and Jim Leonhard and Angelo Crowell.
  19. GO! JP ....and JSP, too.
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