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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. You're so dreamy, boom.
  2. Bastard.
  3. OMG....I love your avatar!
  4. Phew. We're getting the Bills !
  5. ieatcrayonz is not BF.......and this post should be removed. You should feel real proud of yourself, Pete.
  6. ....and without your mother, you wouldn't either.
  7. Phew. I thought you were going to say you were having another baby.
  8. I Jim Leonhard.
  9. Hey! I'm 7 rows up in the End Zone. Section 123. Where were you? ......and no......I wouldn't even touch the seat backs coming down......all 3 of them.
  10. I wondered how that happened.
  11. Got something better. Kisses from Buddy the Wonder Dog.
  12. Mine was hanging on the wall at the Miami game.
  13. Any given Sunday......or Monday.
  14. Ummmm....I'm glad Kelly is playing good enough for us to win and his bad plays didn't kill us, but.....I don't think I'd go as far as saying "HOWABOUT THAT HOLCOMB BABY". I'd be more likely to say - How about that McGahee, baby.....or How about that McGee, baby.......or How about that Phat Sam, baby....or How about that Lindell, baby. You get my point.
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