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Everything posted by PatPatPatSack

  1. You can't kick Sully around enough for me. He's a smug smartss and has no insight, even though he thinks he does. Murph on the other hand is all Buffalo. He's the real deal and getting better all the time. I'll leave you guys to worry over how "team" Mcgahee is. I met him in the wine store and he seemed like a regular guy, even sort of shy. 0 attitude and real pleasant. I'm sure the players all like him. And that is what makes a team. Not what they quote to the press. I'm sure they laugh at that stuff. I'll bet that every time one of them says "I got to give 110%" he goes back to his boys and laughs about how they wrote it down!
  2. My point was that it was a rare, intent to injure hit. Even the classless of players don't do that and do it so obviously. The intention was to ruin his career. Tell me how that is different than Tonya Harding (well other than the obvious fact that it is pretty different.) Intention was the same. There is a reason the video is still available. That play was pretty over the top. Looked like the whistle had blown too. As for the guy being hurt - he didn;t look like he was getting up to hit someone. Don't know the outcome. This could be a telling play. Sure there are emotions. But to blow your cool like that, a meltdown at a heated moment. We don;t need that on Superbowl Sunday. Can you recall a play like that at any point in the season last year? I can't. Football is a pretty tough game. But there is a line. And that line was crossed.
  3. Yeah, but you mean sport like in some elitist, preppy, dignity of the human spirit kind of way. I mean sport like in the South Buffalo tavern, 11 beers, so let's do some shots now, fall off the stool and puke on your pant leg kind of way. That's all I sayin. When you talk sport I hear a trumpet chorale and hear Vangelis in 7.1 Me? I'm talking about the sounds the human body makes after a day spent on a bar stool. That is the sound of real sport.
  4. Track was the only "sport" they let me do. Cross Country too. No stick, no ball, no cart for the wounded. No contact, No sport. OK OK, I'll give you something about it since it was in the first olympics and I suppose that it is considered the definition of sport... well ok, I'll make an exception for some track. Not shot put though. Or high jump. Or triple jump. Heck triple jump is just an easy form of hopscotch.
  5. That was inexcusable. Few players do that. I'll be hoping he gets an early dismissal.
  6. Because they had golf in it. Golf isn't a sport. It's a pastime. sure the guys who play it are good, but that doesn't make it a sport. In a sport, you have to have 2 guys hitting each other - preferably with a stick or something. In a sport you need padding so you don't get killed. In a sport, you need a cart to carry off the wounded. Soccer, Football, Lacrosse, Hockey, those are sports. Baseball is kind of a sport. Auto Racing is a kind of sport. Golf, Frisbee Golf, Track, these are not sports.
  7. oooohh. The evil Mr. Frostee Rucker. "He broke my cell phone AND my blackberry! Lock him up and throw away the keys. Now I am no jock, but a chick with a blackberry has no business hanging out with football players. wait a second, did I just say what I said??
  8. No, Dallas at number 7. Hah! That equates to about 11 or 12 wins. You think Drew and company hook up for 12 wins. Never say never. Never.
  9. Bobby April is tapped for HC job somewhere before the SuperBowl begins.
  10. OTOH, maybe the correlation is there ONLY because that is the typical/usual game plan. And the correlation is measuring the success of the game plan vs wins. So that simply said, if it's what you set out to do, and you are successful, you will probably win. What I am suggesting is, what happens when the gameplan is not run/stop the run? What about the west coast which I understand to be more of a passing completion offense. In the case of a pure west coast, what would the measurement of effectiveness of the game plan be? I often have pondered this. Let say team a starts the season in typical fashion. We are going to run/stop the run. And the fans all chime in, yeah baby. But after 2 games it becomes apparent that the team cannot do this. Should team a have a new more suitable strategy geared toward something they could do. Or should they continue to follow the mantra. R/STR. If you could identify that type of team and evaluate their success at the new game plan, then you could evaluate the win/loss thing too. Then agin maybe I ponder too much.
  11. I don't know about Nance, but right now, Reed is the odd man out. There is too much other potential out there to be wedded to a paticular #3 or 4 receiver. As to Ralph? He has no problem dropping the 2mill if the team improves. I;ve seen no move in the last 5 years that shows him as anything but generous. Though that is a myth, it seems to be sort of accepted thinking. Remember he out and out gave Jim Kelly a million dollars. Here you go, thanks.
  12. ahhh. this board is at it's best in the slow days of summer getting into training camp. all light and happy. where would you rather be?
  13. And what should an half educated, un-employed multi-millionaire do with his time? Same as the rest of us half educated, un-employed, ex-whatever they use to do for a living in Buffalo do.... Start drinking! And now that you mention it, we should start a school! PS hate to say it, I'm not sure if Im joking or serious. It could really go either way... A Toast!!! Buffallllloooooo! Yessur, Pass the beer nuts.
  14. while that may raise more questions than answers, I am on record as saying that I don't want to know any more.................
  15. I didn't say he was a great man, I didn't proclaim him the poster boy for Catholic church, I didn't even say his opinions were enlightened. He isn't, we shouldn't, and they ain't. And precisely for those reasons, he sounds like the knucklehead comments in any tavern in town. And right here on this board for that matter. And THAT is why I salute him! A real man. A real fan. Join me in a toast!
  16. If you have to ask. You can't afford it.
  17. Hasn't enyone here heard of GOOGLE???? If you would just figure out how to use google you would know he signed with.... "Point guard Michael Williams signed with Northern Iowa University and shooting guard Durrall Peterson signed with Utah State. ..." link www.hutchcc.edu/dragons/redsite/Basketballmen/2005-06%20Releases/1114gamenotes.htm there. sheesh.
  18. You miss the point. Then agin a tortued soul would probably jump all over saviors. But to clarify, JP's fan status is what changed so dramatically. Yet his play looked like a rookie and didn't really change a whole lot. And that is what everybody expected in the beginning. So - Marv had a way of trying to put a dose of reality in moving from the high highs and the low lows. In short he ain't a savior or a goat. Probably something in between. And where that is exactly we'll know in about 5 years. I won't wait up for the answer though.
  19. OK so we might have a brief moment of apoplexy when he talks about the Bills moving. But listen to his comments. This is how a TRUE blue Buffalo sports fan talks out on the links. None of this professional athelete talk. He has moved into the ranks of us. And as such we should be proud to have him in our company. Raise a glass to Thurman! I remember the big game with Jim Kelly vs the Dolphins at UB some years back. Thurman did break dancing right in the middle of the field. Should have been a tip off that the man is comfortable in his role as a no-longer first string NFL running back. He should be giving workshops to other players on life after ball. Next thing I can picture is Thurman working the grill on the hood of the car at the stadium, and me throwing him a bomb in the parking lot after the game! He's even working on a beer gut! Thurman Thomas. Patron saint of all Bills Fans everywhere.
  20. I think the old Marv quote is just about right for JP. No one is ever as good or as bad as they say. JP in a VERY short period of time went from savior to goat. All this when we KNEW that he would be a rookie qb. So is he gonna be MY GUY? Nope. JK is. But he just might turn out to be my son's guy. (in a manly - pro football, good buddy, can't have my Bud, sort of speaking)
  21. Hmm. If you were Eliot you would spell your name with only one L. But seeing as how you have added such insight to this post, I guess that can be overlooked.
  22. Whilst I agree with most of the post, I disagree with the Eliot Spitzer observation. I really doubt that "a light went on" with this politician. I do believe this might have been the first time you have heard this man quoted on the subject. But he has personally done more for your tax problem (attorney general insurance company smackdown) than any one else in the last 30 years. And now he wants the postition and title of govenor. This man calls a spade, a spade. There are men who wish to be king so to speak, that indeed do care about the fix we are in. But by golly, they better understand and admit the fix we are in and not give us some pollyannaish crud about how life is beautiful in Upstate New York. BTW, Eliot will be appearing downtown at the ballpark on Memorial Day. Drop down and see him in person. It will help anyone to make up thier mind about a once and future king to see him in action. I have met Eliot Spitzer and regard him highly. I think that his ideas would fit in the middle ground of much of what I read on the wall. And I am quite sure you would be impressed by the man too. But rather than take my word for it, go listen to him. And not just to his TV commercials and 2 second media quotes.
  23. At 1500 yards, crappy attitude is forgiven. At 1900 yards, crappy attitude is expected. At 2003 yards, he can cut off his wife's head for all I care.... oops that's not funny.
  24. Thanks for bringing some sense to this board. Cut Brian Mormon? Forget his religion, he's one of the best punters in the league! And you know what>? I know a LOT about football. And I met this guy in Wegmans the other day. Let's just call him "Castratti" (if I told you his real name, I might be wacked). Anyway, this guy tells me, he has inside info, that Mormon is the odds-on favorite to be the backup QB! Maybe even first string. With his speed and his arm he could be downright dangerous. And rather than take a sack, he can just pooch punt it. He also has been working out with Doug Flutie in the off season, running plays etc. And this is the guy you want to cut? Any old punter, I agree, you don't make the mini-camp - you are gone. But this guy is something special. If you are reading this Marv, keep Brian Mormon! Get er done, Marv!
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