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Everything posted by PatPatPatSack

  1. Correct. No ONE better n old Bill. No GM. No single GM. If the Colts aren't a championship team, then I guess we are back to that stupid argument about only winning Super Bowls blah blah blah. With your little 3 cornered hat gay man about to get it from Marcia, I can already hear it from you. To me it's about winning games. consistently. And putting the talent on the field to do that. Bill is an undisputed champ. And done it twice. Go cuddle with your self congratulatory buddies on the I Love Marcia and Teddy board. And keep your manlove for Brady out of my face. And someone please tell me to stop feeding the trolls.
  2. yep and Bill Polian is still the captain. unfortunetly for us, there is no one better.
  3. We as a city cannot even rally around the Bills, especially after this disaster. I just thank God for the sabres. 805932[/snapback] I got my power turned on for this??? Look it's simple. You root for the team where you live. It's just the way it is. Don't get all weird and stuff. It just is. save your misery for the last 3 games of the season when they go 3-13. Till then, Go Bills! (PS, with this attitude, the whole thing is a lot more fun. Try it on)
  4. Huh, wha? Did someone call me??
  5. I'm hoping that the Bills this year, beat the bad teams and lose to the good teams. By how much with either doesn't matter. I think we are on track to do this. And we should end up 8-8 and we'll all consider the season a success.
  6. uh, with your head down? since when do you live your life based on the accomplishments of others? Hey the Bills came to play. And they did. You leave the bar saying, that's one freakin fine team the/you Bears have assembled this year. Then find somebody and go outside and throw the football around.
  7. That is really an unfunny subject around here. And it would be greatly appreciated if it were treated as the very serious topic it is. In the future, I'll just ignore those posts to not give them any more than a passing glance. But they topic is very real, and very painful to some.
  8. we should have traded up/down with them and gotten some picks! then we could have taken a olineman. and Kelly Holcomb could stand back there and pick Chicago's defense apart and be leading us to the playoffs!
  9. Ding Ding Ding. This answer is the right one. Thank you all for coming and responding anyway.
  10. Quite the contrary. Hillary is neither fat or a cow. If you saw her in real life, she looks like an attractive professional lawyer of about 55 years of age. But def not fat. She speaks suprisingly well too. Goes to show you how media images are funny. It is common knowledge that people do appear fatter on the tube. But agree with her politics or not, she ain't fat. Sorry. Find a better reason to hate on her. Perhaps her timing of her visits to this area with the main objective of ruining your day. Even though you didn't have a ghost of a chance to meet her in person - want to or not. smart witty rejoiners welcome!
  11. Actually your suggestion, while silly, would at least be a cheaper system (since it would be a profit center). In the meantime, let's examine real data. According to the dept. of Justice (they know a thing or two about the subject): http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/crimoff.htm "Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime" I believe that the % going thru the criminal justice system in one way or another is about double that, but I don't know that statistic for sure. The point is, that as someone said, the NFL indeed is effectively keeping black males out of jail, educated, and putting them into esteemed positions in society. And to my earlier point the NFL is encouraging negative behavior amongst the predominately white population of fans attending NFL games. It would appear that athletes are far from the problem. Now if you were suggesting being hardassed about fans - you might have some ammunition.
  12. OK. We've all been to games. We've all seen the parking lot. Tell me this. What percentage of drivers coming out of the lots, are legally drunk? That would be like 4 drinks over the course of the game. Now in most cases, that would be a pretty fair crime. In some repeat offender case, that would require serving jail time. ie, if each act was caught, prosecuted, and convicted, there would be one hell of a lot of criminal bills fans cooling their heels at Alden. My guess is that 40% of drivers are over the limit. In my theory, over a third of Rich Stadium guests are offenders ON GAME DAY! And somehow it's a federal crime that 35% of players have "{been in trouble with the law"{ some time in their lives.
  13. Sure we can debate the fine points of cognition and reality too. Bottom line is that this is not steeped in ignorance of mental illness. It is a prescription. And a prescription is what you give an ill man. And a prescription, a solution, a path - whatever, is preferable to a response of "golly who can fathom the mind? peace be to them " In fact mental illness can and does respond to the same triggers that we respond to. But your point is to say the mind is sick, so reasonble answers need not apply. Wrong. Our responce to violence and murder should be the same. We are trying to change behavior, not someones temporary mental status. If I said, 'walking is good for you. people should walk more'. You wouldn't say that I must be ignorant of the whole nature of arthritic diseases. Now that would be construed as an excuse. When you can't walk - obviously we gotta do something else. But until then, it is still worth trying to walk. And to walk in spite of the difficulty is a step (ugh) in the direction of healing to an arthritic man. I am sorry that a simple prescription seems to be too simple. But I did not want to simply growl at the world of darkness and evil. Rather, I thought to offer a way to change behavior. Because all that I heard after the suicide of our board partner was blather that can only end in events such as todays. Again - simply as possible - to those who feel pain, your reaction can be inflicting pain on others - or it can be mitigating the pain of others. Choose the latter, and that is what will free you from YOUR pain. It works for the arthritic, for the lame, for the mentally ill, and for the mentally well. It will not make you mentally well. It won't cure leprosy. It won't kick your habit. It will assuage your pain. I promise.
  14. I disagree. I believe a reaction of RIP or "Rest in Peace" is unwarranted for any person who takes a life - their own or otherwise. You cannot take a life without taking others too. Pieces of other lifes are ripped to shreds. Whole families are torn apart. This, my friends, is the last - most despicable act. Because it has NO mercy. There are no takebacks. No healing. It is the most violence that you can bring. Killing. I restrained myself from the lovefest that accompanied the first suicide. Lionizing and finding meaning - "he went to meet his love" crap. Not while children and family are left to pick up the pieces and sort thru their own feelings of hurt, guilt and shame. And suicide breeds suicide. Children of parents who kill themselves, are themselves at a far greater risk. It becomes acceptable. Cool even in some strange circles. And it is not acceptable. It is vile and evil. It is the different side of the same coin murder/suicide. Do you think that it is only coincidental or accidental that family of those who kill themselves are pained by guilt and remorse? It ain't. It is the purpose of the whole thing. And I am glad that at least in this case (murder) we see the act for what it is. Violence against the world. Anger and violence against the family. Do you suffer from pain? There is a sure way out. I swear this will work. I promise it will work. If you suffer from pain, admit it. Recognize it. Now go and find someone else who has pain. And make it your lifes work to take away their pain. And as you do that; as you take care of another, your pain will subside. Suicide and murder are simply attempting to lay pain on someone else. When you spend your days ruminating about laying the wood to someone else, maybe even someone who harmed you, you descend into the hell that will consume you. To get out, start by getting someone else out. When you become a loving person, you cannot bring yourself to hurt. But when you are preoccupied with being a beast and hating, you become a partner to death and destruction. And when you do that, you deserve our contempt. Not our regards. May those who have spent their life in service, when they die, may THEY rest in peace.
  15. and to the rest of that post - Zactly!
  16. Ha Ha! Post O' the Week. Mind if I borrow it for awhile?
  17. Then make it 2 Quotes from Marv: "He's been fired more times than a civil war cannon". Intellectual humor, but nasty too!
  18. It was said at the beginning of the year it would be a fair fight. It was. Losman won by a TKO. You haven't a shred of evidence that any thing else occured. It's total conjecture. And that can't be argued. It's also not logical and is just ranting. I'm sure lots of things happened in the minds at 1 Bills Dr and there were probably days going back and forth. But unless someone writes a book, that stuff is all behind closed doors. And you have to fabricate any "stories" you come up with. Marv could be banging the secretary. We can speculate anything.
  19. Uh, if you ask me, these hundreds of scouts have just put mr nance on the sidelines for good. And it is a stretch to think someone is putting him back on the field. This thread reminds me of the old saying, "It is better to speak up and be thought a fool, and turn out to be right, than to sit there and talk trash after you took a wild assed position and were wrong yet again." just sayin'....
  20. why don't they just treat terrible terrell as the STAR he is. I mean, just out and out say "look fellas, this guy is different. on so many levels. but we are gonna treat him different. he's not really a part of the team, he is a new position. media boy. star boy. and when he can't produce results - sell tickets - and keep us entertained and winning, he is out the door. till then, he gets a bling loaded golf cart and 2 hooter girls for drivers. now, let's play ball!
  21. That is a joke, right?
  22. Actually, looking at years 2005, and 2003 seem to defy your logic. The link is great, but the facts do not substantiate your argument.
  23. Yep, it was the Perfect Storm. A storm of epic porportions. Glad this brings out the humanity in you.
  24. Last and least is Benson, the car salesman who both mismanages his franchise and doesn't appear all that stressed about adding to the misery of a suffering region. Before Tagliabue stepped in and decreed that the Saints would return to New Orleans -- at least for now -- Benson seemed content to remain in San Antonio, where he coincidentally has a home, while casting a wistful eye toward the L.A. market. So for the time being Benson will be bringing his ridiculous "Boogie" back to the Superdome and hoping that karma doesn't actually exist. 716499[/snapback] Brother, this is truly beyond stupid. Might be the worst piece of writing bout someone in the Bills organization ever. Georgia Front tire is about 10 spots ahead? If I could advise, I would suggest that you save your time and not click on the link. No matter how interesting it is to read truly stupid stuff.
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