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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Pssst...the NFL network games are on Thursday nights.
  2. Carolin'a offensive coordinator did the Giants a huge favor. One of the worst game plans I've ever seen. Giants D was great but the play callin kept him in the pocket all night.
  3. I didnt laugh at all. How can Fitz not be animal!! Palmer has been clean shavin 99% of his career. Thu find the one pic he has facial hair. Boooo!
  4. Her husband of 17 years just leaves? Must be a real B word.
  5. “That’s what they should do. Spark conversation. We want to bring these kids the attention they deserve. We want to draw attention and bring excitement to the program. We want to get people talking.” Huh? Why do these kids deserve attention? I don't mind the unis but if the adults reasoning is what is stated above then the kids already lost.
  6. Elbows too pointy!
  7. That girl sounds like she really wants to get ass !@#$ed.
  8. He should have been cut after the KO fumble against NE. He's literally done nothing good since.
  9. At 27, he's a grown ass man that's not getting any better. Should have been cut.
  10. I'm usually pretty liberal about the woman in these threads but that crack head looks demonic. Yikes!
  11. While Rodgers didn't make contact, he sure as hell let James Jones know what he thought about his route running. That being said Cutler comes off like a major doosh.
  12. Holy crap there is a bunch of old farts in here. 41 in a month...
  13. Something a parent could never forgive themselves for (not being there or god forbid actually operating the mower).
  14. Sounds like just enough to sink my fingers into.
  15. They'll need to show more of Britney's tatas to get me to watch. She should take a Cue from her former Disney cohort Chritina, who has 3/4 of her breasts exposed every show.
  16. Berry is a thumper. I expect him to take Stevie out in a semi clean way. Probably concussion.
  17. Prepare to be disappointed.
  18. Bingo! Not sure why everyone doesn't comprehend this. If one of your RB's gets dinged it would leave you with MacIntyre or dickerson spelling Choice or Spiller. A team can survive with just 2 WR. If you are relying on your 4th WR for anything, you are in trouble.
  19. I would have loosened my chin strap. They're either going to call a penalty or Mario will be standing face to face with the QB while the RT is holding his empty helmet.
  20. No thanks to a 5'8" turnover and injury machine
  21. Surprised it took this long
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