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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I hope you know I meant log term success. The Bills were media darlings for about a week and a half last season until the eventual implosion.
  2. The inferiority complex lives on. I understand even feel it but nobody (minus a few thousand die hards) really cares about the Bills an Browns. The only way it changes is through winning. Get relevant to be relevant.
  3. I think they could have called any of the three penalties. DPI, holding or illegal contact as all 3 were in play.
  4. All I heard was some rambling about Kelvin Sheppard and two bills drive. Dude was annoying.
  5. Probably he 5th on their depth chart with Leshoure back.
  6. Wasn't Webb holding his jersey 10 yards down field?
  7. Agreed. I'd send one or both about half the time but Wanny doesnt seem to concur,
  8. Good QB's beat you if you blitz as well. Peyton Manning has made a living beating teams on the hot read, aka the receiver not being covered due to a blitz. These usually end up as 6 points.
  9. Am I the only one who thinks the refs are doing just fine? Everyone normally bitched about the refs but because they are "replacements", people seem to immediately point fingers.
  10. Number 28 is trucking people all over the field!! WTF!
  11. Boy do those fans look miserable. I guess we've been there and done that.
  12. Who advises Chan on the replays? This one seems ill advised.
  13. Depressing. I love Fitz but man he is mediocre. I guess our best best would be a QB sliding down to us next draft (unless Bills are drafting early).
  14. This question was aleady answered. http://aussieexotics.com/forum/dlattach/attach,26049/image/More-movie-nonsense-/Kristanna-Loken-in-Terminator-3-Ris-5093.0.html.jpg
  15. Same person? https://mobile.twitter.com/MiSsAMbErBaBix/photo
  16. I guess if they are looking for a fight
  17. Not sure how tongue in cheek you mean to be, but I came across the doosh spelling a while ago and liked it more than the actual spelling. It seems more...dooshy. :smile:
  18. I was embarrassed for him.
  19. I wasn't trying to be dooshy but he mentioned watching games this weekend on the NFL Network. Now I remember why I stopped coming to this site.
  20. Google is your friend of which I'm apparently not http://m.nfl.com/news/0ap1000000064647/
  21. Sounds like homeboy might be getting some on the side and didn't want any evidence.
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