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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Loves me some jujubes.
  2. At least we have the common decency to do it behind their backs. Yo comprendo. My ex-wife was running around the Miami airport screaming "Does anyone speak !@#$ing English here". It was one of several duck and hide moments of that relationship.
  3. LB, wouldn't you agree that good teams at the very least get the benefit of the doubt more so than bad teams. Like if Gronkowski is attempting to land two feet in bounds as opposed to Chandler, the refs would be more apt to assume Gronk did get them in and Chandler didn't. While I'm not certain there is an overt conspiracy that the refs help teams like the Pats, although I could easily be convinced, I do think human intuition comes to play. When good players are making good plays on good teams, they get the benefit of the doubt. When crappy players from crappy teams are makin crappy plays, the refs assume they suck an couldn't possibly have made that play.
  4. Did you forget who they are playing Sunday? Not only will they get away with punching, let's not forget intent to injure, retaining possession of a ball while laying next to it unconscious, cheap shots all over the field and I'm sure new violations we'll get to see on Sunday.
  5. This isn't good at all for Bills fans. I finally thought the refs were calling it even for Buffalo. Well, we can kiss that good bye.
  6. Not for Bills fans. That noise you'll hear on Sunday at 1 pm is the avalanche of pro patriot favoritism that will be on full display. The Bills will need to beat two teams, the Pats and the refs.
  7. You are wise in the ways of science.
  8. Is that still the case if ~ 50% of his punts have gone put of bounds. (no idea how to look that up)
  9. I understand why his supervisors got annoyed. We have plenty of non-English as their first language employees and when they want to start talking junk about people they switch to their native tongue.
  10. Bills. Royally. Screwed.
  11. Conehead has about 6" and 30 lbs on Roscoe.
  12. You can emote on the phone you just need to know the alpha version of it. Without the spaces : lol : becomes If you want to figure out all of the just click on a post using a : devil : and find out.
  13. Uh, I know he threw a TD pass but wouldn't mentioning his sprinter speed seem a little more relevant?
  14. Or maybe he just isn't happy with Moorman. I guess it could be fun to dream up unrealistic possibilities but I prefer to remain realistic.
  15. Hey I'm fun at parties!!
  16. Golden "tell me how my ass" Tate
  17. That was some bull **** right there
  18. This officiating **** is about to get real
  19. No,no,no...I'd look more like this:
  20. She could use my face as a toilet
  21. Playoffs, star players, winning... Anything else and your Buffalo, Cleveland, or Jacksonville
  22. Holy crap does that one suck. I want to jam a pencil in my ear every time I hear.
  23. I understand everyone's disdain for WGR personalities but if I was asked how I was doing 25 times everyday I might get a little annoyed as well.
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