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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Times like these ...unless Dave Grohl is singing it.
  2. This. The commentators even alluded to Trevor's slump and quoted him as saying you just can't play ball with that hanging over your head. He looked like the dome had been lifted off his shoulders after that make. I'd expect some big games from him in the near future. Very surprised to see him rise up and throw one down in traffic. Can't wait to see more from him.
  3. Lets hope when the Bills are eliminated from the playoffs (not that I think they even have a remote chance) that the youth movement takes over. Lets get Easley and whoever else (there aren't many others) in there and see what they can do.
  4. Andy Reid would probably be a good fit in Detroit.
  5. Screw the drops, he runs a 4.6 40 time. That's great...for a defensive end.
  6. Marcus Easley suffers from the same fate many a Bills bench player in the past. He's an unknown therefore he must be better than the guys playing. While I don't have a lot of confidence in Chan getting the most talented players on the field, the cream rise to the top. If he has talent, it will show itself.
  7. He's going to relive these fateful moments for the rest of his broke ass life. He was on his way to having a nice year and what seemed like a long lucrative career. How you could just throw it away over a few selfish minutes is beyond moronic. He basically won the lottery, decided the jackpot wasn't large enough and threw away the ticket. These guys need life training.
  8. A tragic yet likable character. He knew he did not have a place with that family. He's an assasin not a father.
  9. I feel ya but I love the show too much to not be geeked. I like the addition of the new group, especially the dude from the wire. Seeing Carl's maturation into a cold calculated leader is frankly not surprising. Ricks inability to let the past go got their new prison buddy killed. Andrea's lack of urgency when it comes to her bed pal is annoying. The Merl and Darryl dynamic is awesome and the more Michonne the better.
  10. Champ Bailey ran a famous 4.28 40 time at the combine. This thread proves that at least 50% of the board has no idea what they are talking about. I've never seen so many polar opposite opinions on the same player during the same game.
  11. "She's a really big football fan" Couldn't agree more...
  12. Yes but their lack of inside game will catch up with them tournament time.
  13. Not sure who this chick is but she's kinda hot... Check out this video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/y4CdkHMZ29o Kidding...
  14. Any thoughts on the long storied lists of USC QB failures in the NFL. Barkley doesn't look much different. You could argue he's got the best supporting cast of all of them.
  15. I thought this was pretty common knowledge.
  16. The whole brother and sister digging on each other thing...come on Pooj!
  17. He said "why wasn't Andrea in Thong WAY before last episode." Oh wait...that was me.
  18. The kids reaction seems forced and fake. Does a kid that age really respond to boobies like that?
  19. Like the valet in Ferris Bueler's Day Off?
  20. Man you guys love your dogs. Fifty posts into the thread and not one 'dogging' or 'doggy style' post about Fiona. Mature and tasteful. What's this place coming to!!
  21. Surprisingly good balance for someone so top heavy.
  22. Yes and when is this insanity going to stop.
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