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Everything posted by inkman

  1. The only thing worse than the Bills not picking him is the constant badgering from posters that they should have taken him. We get it, move on.
  2. See you don't understand, the defense is stacking the box against the run. Therefore, despite whatever perceived success we've had running the ball, we have to pass in that situation. /in my best hill billy accent
  3. Sure so does every other top 20 team. I just don't think this team has the talent to get big headed before Tourney time. I'd like a couple of humbling losses and I'm confident they'll get them.
  4. The last thing this semi talented team needs is a #1 ranking. They aren't that good and it will only serve to inflate their egos unnecessarily.
  5. It was an extraordinary poor choice by the organizers. Jay-Z, LL Cool J, both NYC natives would have been better choices. They've both done elaborate sets with full bands and don't do a lot of over producing that Kanye does. The only worse choice would have been Lil Wayne but at least he would have been interesting.
  6. I boosted mine from Rockpile almost a decade ago. Not sure he's forgive me...
  7. This sounds like posters used to all be extraordinarily verbose. Just limit the posts to a couple sentences and problem solved. I guess getting all ban hammer was a lot more fun for the tough guy mods.
  8. That's like saying I like getting BJ's way more than taking it in the back door.
  9. I wasn't always attracted to her but she's never looked better...really hitting her stride.
  10. Sir Paul...no sign of Grohl. Hmmm....
  11. Buscemi with the moment of the night, praising firefighters while being verbally and physically abused by obviously intoxicated firefighters.
  12. No Rock band was bigger in the early nineties. By the time Cobain died, they were on the decline and really living off the swell of early success.
  13. I'm not going to argue too much over how great Nivana was but the fact that they put the nail in the coffin of bands like Warrant and Poison is enough for me to give them kudos.
  14. I love Nirvana, Foo Fighters, and everything Dave Grohl but this is a head scratcher. If they don't play any Nirvana it will make a lot more sense. Dave has been so guarded on all thing Cobain.
  15. Huh? What constitutes a "real" Bills fan? Bitching that Spiller isn't getting enough carries from a coach that has clearly proven he's in over his head? Spouting off about which draft picks are busts year after year? Just because I have no faith in this franchise from the owner on down, doesn't make me any less or more of a fan than anyone. I'm just not some delusional fan boi.
  16. Hey!! I have those blinds!!
  17. Seriously. I can't believe the amount of fans living and dying with each play. They've been a joke for over a decade. Seemingly, people are just coming to this conclusion. I was done with this season 5 minutes into the Jets game.
  18. I just feel like these women need to get out more. Tons of lonely dudes out there, go find one. I guess as Hannibal Lector once said, "We covet what we see."
  19. I just don't understand
  20. I wasn't implying that any of those names weren't geographicly relevant, just that they sounded weird at first because of the lack of familiarity.
  21. Nails on a chalk board!
  22. I've liked it from the start. Lots of dumb names out there. I can remember when the San Jose Sharks first came into the league. Sounded weird. Same goes for Carolina panthers, Jacksonville jaguars, Carolina hurricanes, Tampa bay lightning, Florida panthers, Tampa rays, Washington Wizards, etc. After a decade or so they sounded normal. Same thing will happen with the Pelicans. I kinda like 'Cans for short. After spending 5 weeks or so a year in SW Florida. I have a huge amount of respect for the beauty, grace and effectiveness as a bird or prey. They get their catch almost everytime. Then again, I feel the same about Egrets and that doesn't have quite the same ring.
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