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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I've never heard a whinier fan base than Louisville's. I'll admit I had no idea why posters were so excited about Grant but I see it now. He's a star in the making.
  2. So she like to eat a little Mexican now and then. Is that a crime? And hell to the yeah.
  3. The 120 minute is a tasty beverage. I didn't realize the alcohol % until I was a six pack deep. My wife told me I was flexing in the mirror and quoted me as saying "I don't even work out". Ah...the wonders of alcohol. As far as Schapp's interview, I'm still skeptical. Did tuiossosopo's sister stay on the phone all night with Manti to perpetuate the hoax? Smoking crack sounds like more fun.
  4. Lance Armstrong & Manti Te'o on next seasons biggest loser.
  5. Maybe but Fitz has run for nearly double the yards T Jax has. Not exactly RGIII.
  6. Proving yet again that the comment section of any Internet article or video is a haven for window lickers.
  7. Not a big fan of eeem
  8. Aren't we all just meat?
  9. If I was a betting man, I'd say Pardy gets moved. Mostly because Sabres fans don't know him and it would cause the lleast waves. Knowing Darcy, it will be something out of left field that makes no sense.
  10. It left me and his broadcast partner like this:
  11. Didn't we just see why the Redskins can't afford to? Ya know, RGIII's fragility?
  12. Not in Buffalo
  13. I feel like I'm pounding my dick with a hammer here, but who made that assertion? We're they not significantly better than the Bills? That's my only point but you continue to harp on minutiae.
  14. I'll give you this, the '12 Bill D and the '85 Bears were record setters.
  15. Completely underwhelmed with the thought of this guy as the Bills coach. After watching almost all of Cuses football games over the last two seasons, his teams have screamed lack of discipline, poor adjustments to other teams, and not recognizing other teams strengths and weaknesses. He can recruit but beyond that, I'm not sure he has a lot of ability.
  16. Um, it was a comparison between the Bills D and the Bengals D. Would it make your feel better if I just said, Cincy's D is way, way, way, better than the Bills D. That's all my point was, I thought it was a concise, articulate method of making that point but I guess laymens terms are needed around here.
  17. Playing on a team with one of the worst NFL defenses ever. Cincinnati is the 85 Bears by comparison.
  18. http://youtu.be/AYOzxCjq8FE
  19. Isn't that how this whole thread got started?
  20. No but Weeden does turn THIRTY next season. Maybe they draft his replacement.
  21. How do you "work on arm strength"?
  22. This is my favorite post of the day. There is so much BS flying around, nobody knows which rumors were actually based in fact and which ones posters just made up.
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