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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Breast fat? ...and plenty of it. My biggest issue with what Cyrus did was that it sucked. Bad singing, worse dancing, and even less sex appeal. She looked like a person who doesn't know what sex appeal is but was told about it and is trying to act sexy. She wasn't sexy the way porn isn't sexy. It's sex but its not sexy. I can't believe whatever show coordinator they have didn't put the kibosh on the whole thing. It just sucked.
  2. You mean like the hysteria after two blowout preseason wins or like the hysteria after one preseason loss? (I know, it will be worse)
  3. She looked like a special person for most of the bit. The tongue was the full on special person moment.
  4. That's how beetle juice dressed
  5. I imagine I could make it work
  6. I posted something similar up thread, was berated for my logic then was called something akin to a coward...I think. Such is life on the internets I guess.
  7. I think everyone who has mentioned Rogers and Moss in the same sentence has been doing the kid a real disservice. Not sure if the SI writer was the first to do it but the comparison caught on like wildfire. He's fighting to make a NFL roster and being compared to a hall of famer.
  8. Pettine is quoted as saying Bryan Scott is getting the first team reps while Bradham was getting 2nd team reps.
  9. Ye asks and ye shall receive (sorry about the quality) http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qvb9kUeXrQ8&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dqvb9kUeXrQ8
  10. This is what I've been lookin for. I haven't heard this anywhere but here. Have you seen him first hand or are you garnering info off of reports from camp. I've been reading practice notes and daily wrap ups and haven't seen a lot about Da' Rick. If he's blowing everyone away in camp, then by all means they should keep him on the roster. I just want confirmation that is the case. Hasn't Dickerson been lining up at TE since a brief spring tryout at WR?
  11. ...and he's 3 in he's taller. Heyooo!
  12. As long as EJ doesn't end up playing for the Knicks I'm alright with this.
  13. I've had a good rapport with you up to this point. I'll let your big brain figure out where it deviated.
  14. If you want to start this, to quote Thurman, "It's on like a mofo"
  15. If you "follow" the guy I was quoting you would understand.
  16. Thank you for sharing all of your copy and paste "news" stories. You'll be the last place I check for actual information.
  17. Why didn't he get drafted again?
  18. Then he can reportedly be their problem.
  19. So no teams wanted to bother using a throw away 7th round pick on the guy, but now he's a hot commodity that every team will be drooling over. Something isn't making sense here.
  20. Yes and I haven't heard one word from them or from the reporters at camp everyday that suggests he'll be a part of the final 53. I've heard the exact opposite. He's giving them every reason to cut him.
  21. Smallest sample size in the history of sample sizes.
  22. Thank you! This board will implode when Da gets cut.
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