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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I still think Moulds is the top dog but that could change this year.
  2. I'm guessing you are being serious so I'll respond as if you are. At some point, his football playing skills need to kick in.
  3. That could be worse than the Tom Brady blow job hour.
  4. My feelings were the same approaching the show but I watched and it is absolutely hysterical.
  5. The only one that I can get to work on my PC at work is that crappy new england station. I love the sox but all they do is blow Tom Brady. I feel like I am in a circle jerk and Tom Brady is all smiles in the middle.
  6. I've thought about Romey. I listen on my days off (tues & wed), but six $ might be worth it.
  7. dude! Sweet! Hopefully one of them will work with Windows Media Player 9. That is all I can use at work due to my lack of Administrative privaleges. Thanks.
  8. So in your estimation, or anyone else's, do you think Gates will take over the # 2 RB spot? I think the Bills are in love with his size and speed, one more game like that and he might get the nod.
  9. I'm stuck at work for 12 hours a day and about 7 of that I can't get any sports talk because I work in a cave. Anyone have a link to good sports talk streaming online for free?
  10. By perfect fit, do you mean he brings a giant matress to the huddle with him and plops it on the ground about 12 feet behind center? I guess Peter King is not going to repond to me after all.
  11. Thats better than lyxdicsuc.
  12. I'll go with the first set of three downs but Drew will throw a pick before that, so lets settle for the second offensive series.
  13. About three feet above the wall. Remeniscent of Zhitnik.
  14. I don't care if someone calls him moron, idiot, retard, or slobber-knocker savant, he can play on my football team any day of the week. (especially Sunday's)
  15. Or just so freakishly gifted it just doesn't matter.
  16. He scored a 9 on the wonderlick?
  17. I see your point but thay are just trying to get people stirred up and talking Bills football. I'm sure half the time they just make stuff up to generate listener interest. It obviously didn't work for you but I'm sure the football novices out there found it compelling.
  18. The coaches rave about his "unblockability" (if that is a word) on special teams. He really makes them go. I can't wait to watch him in action this season.
  19. I have a hard time getting the reception due to the fact that I live over 80 miles away. I did listen to Shopp when he was in Rochester and I thought his shows were at the very least entertaining. I'm not a big fan of Bulldog but to each their own. I do find their show (the few times I can actually listen) way better than the Coach. I know a lot of people in here thought he was the man but I found him to just be annoying. I might take some flack for that but it's just one a-holes opinion.
  20. I believe the exact infraction was puching her in the face, grabbing her by the hair, dragging her down three flights of stairs and tearing off some of her clothing. I think ths all stemmed from an incident between her and one of his teammates. I remember that game pretty well. LP and Tommy Frazier averaged about 40 yards a carry against the Gators.
  21. Big, black, kinda mean...
  22. I would agree that he ia a playmaker but I'm not sure about the best CB in the League. He's top 5, but may gamble a little too much looking for the big play. I think that is what Jerry Gray is asking of him, so the onus is not on him. If they can lock him in under 5 million per year then go for it. If he is looking for 7-8 million I think he will end up elsewhere. TD doesn't overpay just for the sake of keeping the roster in tact. He's been fairly adept at determining fair value and if Nate stays here it will be on TD terms. I've never been a Fletcher fan. Too many tackles 8 yards down field. He does make a ton of tackles but I'm not sure how many big plays he actually makes. Parting with him would be no sweat of my back. Moulds is a touchy subject. I love the guy, he is a great team leader and mentor for the young recievers on the roster. If Evans blows up this year, you could probably kiss Moulds goodbye. Unless he comes back for less $. As far as finding a Free Agent WR, they would be better off drafting one because Free Agent WR's usually end up busts.
  23. I think the backup running back should be JP. He looked pretty good running to me. Better yet, maybe they could work out a trade with NE and get Doug Flutie to back up Willis.
  24. Maybe they should change his position to "run blocking WR". Although, after the 100th running play or so other teams might figure out the game plan.
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