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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I do get to work early. Althoufgh I'm posting here.
  2. Where do you work? Not in the manufacturing (mine) business I hope.
  3. Usually the crap I throw up against the wall does not represent my personal views but rather an overwhelming idea that knuckleheads seem to come up with.
  4. Well, I don't know what KH was thinking but he did say something like, "Buffalo really wanted me and Cleveland didn't give him that same feeling."
  5. No but you DID say that Holcomb lack of success could be attributed to his playing on horrible teams. Therefore he can play, right? So if you were saying he may be good then logic dictates...
  6. So you think he should start?
  7. I think he has a career mark of 4-9 although I'm too lazy to actually look it up. Losman can look shakey but Holcomb is just not as talented. Hopefully JP can put all the naysayers to rest and this discussion will be moot.
  8. Everywhere I turn I keep hearing how Holcomb should start if JP falters early on. Some people even want him to start outright over JP. Does anyone here feel that way?
  9. You mean this. listen
  10. I thought Willis was working out with some Cane Alum down in Miami.
  11. Andre Johnson is the only recieving threat they have. I'm sure Jerry Gray will roll a safety over the top on AJ's side of the field. The way Jerry has been blitzing I doubt DCarr is going to be able to find him anyway. I'd be more worried about D Davis out of the backfield.
  12. This was the lock of the year. I'm kicking myself for not putting $ down on it. SU has a long way to go to get back to repectability. They have exactly zero playmakers on offense. They will beat UB with defense and special teams alone. I was leary about placing the bet because I actually thought Robinson could actually make a difference and give them some hope. I should have known better.
  13. I know. I just think it has brought the relevance of the weight issue to light. We don't know the cause of Herrion's death but dude wasn't a picture of health.
  14. No link but...here's a few links. I know, cheesy. read readread
  15. I understand his not feeling comfortable with the F bros down in Miami but you just gotta pick one and roll with it. That 2 QB crap doesn't work in college and it definitely won't work in NFL.
  16. I love the trow back jersey. In madden 06 you can choose them but I let the computer choose which games to use them and they picked the home game vs. the pats. I won 17 to 12. They are extremely cool looking.
  17. Big Ron has put on about 50 lbs since coming into the league. I do believe he was instucted that he would have to be more in the Pat Williams/Sam Adams/Ted Washington mold in order to be a starting DT. In lieu of Herrion's death it makes you wonder how players feel about these decisions, but that is another topic. I do feel that Ron Edwards can absolutely play the postion and be quite effective.
  18. Jennings was an alright player but at upwards of 6 million a year he just wasn't worth it. MW cap # this year I believe will be somewhere around 1 million while Jennings could be anywhere from a 10-15 million.
  19. John Ditulio is a putz and has no business reporting sports to anyone. He can tell the super bowl score and mvp from 30 years ago but has no real insight or intelligence about the sports world.
  20. I really appreciate how the charger girl uni's push their ya ya's up in your face. I think the rest of the league has some catching up to do.
  21. In fact I am one of the few who liked both Flutie and Rj when they were here. I think you were the ONLY person who liked them both.
  22. Cuz his ass is being sent outta Buffalo?
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