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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I do believe this remains one of history's greatest wonder. Everyone loves looking at her sister but what the hell does that have to do with Ashlee? I'm guessing, younger sisters, that are kinda fugly, with low self esteem and are always trying to fill big sis's C-cups must be the ones buying this crap.
  2. With a moniker like Tossy McSalad, what makes you question him? BTW, every time I see that name I fall off my chair.
  3. Hmmm...Culpepper and Vick 29 and 31 repectively. Not much of a surprise, really.
  4. I thought his (or Bernie's) distribution of minutes was interesting. I'm sure it will differ when they play real competition, but Gorman seemed to get a fair share and Nichols put up some good offensive #'s.
  5. Even my wife (who is a patriots fan, don't ask) was asking me what the hell was wrong with the announcers and when were they going to get back to blowing Brady.
  6. I looked at his stats he was 1/14 for 4 yards and 1 pick. Are they playing in a blizzard or did TO abduct Donovan and put local high school kid in their to throw him the ball?
  7. Replied to wrong person sorry.
  8. I can't believe I left that off. I'm officially a tool.
  9. Labbatt Blue?
  10. If we are getting our ass kicked call the ambulance because my Patriot rooting wife will need it. JK
  11. I've heard and seen plenty of interviews with Alex Jones. He makes good libeals like me look like Pat Robertson.
  12. Hey Holcombs Arm, shouldn't you be throwing footballs or spanking Kelley monkey or whatever starting QB's arms do the day before.
  13. Who you callin a B word?
  14. Who the f*&% is Rover and why the F*&% is he going to be on in CRochester?
  15. No comment. (I could have just not replied but I thought this would be more profound)
  16. I wouldn't know. We don't throw the ball deep.
  17. I didn't see either, I was trying to emulate the commercial when the guy with the really deep voice says "See Saw". Why couldn't you decifer all that from my 3 word post?
  18. I forgot Rudy Tuesday.
  19. See Saw II, again.
  20. Would you watch a show called "The Eternal Safe Keeper of Balls"?
  21. I found my self listening to that for the last 20 min. Does that make me gay?
  22. I thought of your avatar while carving pumpkins with the kid last night.
  23. I should have included it.
  24. I think I love everyone on the list. It probably is between Under my Thumb and Paint it Black.
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