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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I punt block everytime. I also put my fastest player back there(as long as it isn't someone I can't do without). In Buffalos case, Roscoe does the trick. This will atleast double your punt return average and possibly get your guy out of last place in avg punt return yardage.
  2. I really think we are finally seeing the the salary cap at it's full potential. Granted, injuries have really slowed down teams like New England, but teams in general are feeling the effects of the cap. It seemed for the first 10 years or so of cap-dom, teams spent regardless and wound up paying for it on the back end. (See 49ers, Bills, Titans, and most teams in one way or another) The Patriots reaped the long awaited benefits by being just a tiny bit better at scouting/drafting than most teams. The Colts are certainly the cream of the crop this year but they get theirs in a year or two when they have to pay for it. (although I do feel it is worthwhile)
  3. "There is no try, only do." Something his neighbor was telling him or something.
  4. He starts off talking about how he needs to remember who he is and where he is from. Then he drops quotes from yoda and recites his conversation with the security guard. Some funny sh--!
  5. Did someone "pat out" the fire, or did she stop drop and roll? And a better question would be can she?
  6. I'm definitely not bashing big Mike. I personally don't care where he lines up, how much he's paid, or where he was drafted. I just felt like MW was maybe coming into his own last year and even in the beginning of this year, but for some reason everyone is dogging him and now the position change. Not to mention the injury thing. Is he still hurt? Why would you "demote" a guy if he is playing through injury? Is it easier to play guard with a dinged up leg or is someone trying to justify his salary by plugging him in somewhere (our weakest link) ? Nobody is telling us sh-- and we are supposed to make our own assumptions I guess.
  7. I'm fine with that. If he really is that dinged up, why not sit him and Anderson in favor of Peters and Preston?
  8. Wasn't that the the line of BS we were given at the end of last season? Mike Williams is "playing the best football of his career". I guess I should have interpreted that into: He's playing better than a college free agent tight end, for now.
  9. The good ole days... I think.
  10. I think Mad Dog is the same way. Then again, when your in college and you've got 5 bucks to your name, Mad Dog it is.
  11. I am sure he'd be the first to admit he is no rocket scientist but does he watch all of his sporting events on mute? Announcers can't tell me enough, who caght what pass, who hit that homerun or who just dunked on some white guy.
  12. I think I've achieved a six star hangover(******). You open one eye around 2pm the following day. The last thing you remember is leaving to go out the previous night at 10pm. All sheets, blankets, and pillows are on the floor because anything that touched you made you want to barf. A meager attempt to get to the bathroom, is followed by a "oh sh--, I better lay back down". You wake up at 9pm to go to the bathroom. While standing at the toilet, you start to shake and get cold sweats. You attempt to imbibe a small amount of water, only to make you want to barf again. You wake up at 7am the following day, wondering what the hell happened two nights ago and who you must call in order to extrat this info. After a few hours of drinking H2O and consuming greasy foods, you call you best bud and ask for the lo-down. He says in a shocked tone, "you don't remember Fri. night"? Sheepishly you respond, "could you fill in the gaps, between 10 and 4?" He tell you that it invloved shots, table dancing and fights. You respond, "oh, typical friday night then?" He says, "exactly".
  13. Do you enjoy listening to Matthews? I always find it hard to listen to because his takes are so off-base. That and the fact that every print media guy seems to have problems pronouncing guys names I've heard a thousand times.
  14. I share your sentiments on the aforementioned players. I also like what I'm hearing about Onuaku. McCrosky will most likely be used in a defensive mode ala Josh Pace. Gorman and Wright should help off the bench as well. I was bummed when I saw Dayshawn Wright leave the team, I still think their is a window for him to come back.
  15. I think you are way off base here. The Orange have always rebounded nicely after losing star players because someone else steps into the limelight. I think this year it will be Terrance Roberts. Syracuse isn't going to miss that many three pointers in any one game from here on in. G-Mac will find his stroke and he isn't the only serious 3 point threat on this team. Devendorf, Nichols, and Rautins all can stroke it and will open things up for G-Mac and Roberts.
  16. It sounds like this could also be a move to faze MW out of the picture next season if things don't work out. My only question is if we are trying to get our best five on the field, why not move Teague to LT and start Preston at center?
  17. I appreciated the throbbing burger ad thrust into a precarious spot on the photo.
  18. I hate her. So, anyone up for Dungeons and Dragons?
  19. My only thought is that KC is just a bad road team. Those vegas odds guys are right more than they are wrong. Who knows, maybe we are 2 1/2 better than the chiefs?
  20. Everytime I flipped it on that psycho red hed was piping off about God. I saw exactly thirty seconds of special effects and it was the worst I've ever seen. A lot of camera shaking and home video of tornado's 20 miles away.
  21. This one was long overdue.
  22. woops! sorry. I'll fix that.
  23. QB news Becareful at work. (not too bad though) Hey, it's sports illustrated.
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