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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Did they ask her to touch the ceiling with her crotch or what?
  2. Bruschi gets absolutely blown up. Just wondering if anyone has it already. In the meantime I'll google and see what I come up with.
  3. A lot longer than it took me to read. I saw more than two sentences and just skipped down to the responses.
  4. Their is something fundamentally wrong with that statement.
  5. If you drink enough Sam Adams, you'll win most pissing contests.
  6. Only if they cover my brothers team. (they really suck, though)
  7. I get your point but I can't turn on the TV, get on the web, or listen to the airwaves without being innundated by thing they deem important to me.
  8. In my perfect world, ESPN would just be Football, Baseball, Basketball and hockey. Everything else I don't watch.
  9. They guys are humans too, they have friends, they have family. If the radio guy died, should we care about his death? 503940[/snapback] NO! (but I'm sort of a dick)
  10. It may have been tasteless and classless to air these opinions on the radio but I have a hard time disagreeing with the guy. I find it hard to feel any sympathy when a famous person dies. I don't really know them and they sure as hell don't know me. When I see a month worth of TV coveage because a former Pres or International dignitary passes away I get annoyed. They may have been a great person but do we need to worship the ground they walk on?
  11. I heard he requested time off to promote his new winter lager ala Ron Artest.
  12. 1955
  13. Could he become our team ambassador like Hugh Douglass?
  14. I toured the brewery last year. Coolest. Place. Ever.
  15. I roll with Sam Adams, Yeungling B&T, Killians, Heineken Red, Guiness and other assorted dark beers. I'm in good shape. I'll have a couple tonight in the name of health. One side note. My wife and I saw a Bud commercial last night claiming to choose the best hops for their Bud select. I don't buy this garbage. All pilsners use the same cheap ass hops and they get that watered down pee looking color.
  16. Welcome to your new right wing redneck country folks. YEEEEHAAAAWW!!!
  17. She must be real proud with that kind of statement.
  18. Hopefully he will be. TD will have to pay WM and DR will make sure of it.
  19. Did Teddy Bruschi die while playing poker on ESPN?
  20. I think the "E" stands for entire actually. JBAD(figure that one out?)
  21. Whether or not he is performing to anyone's expectations, HE thinks he is performing above and beyond and our buddy Drew Rosendick will make sure he is paid top 5 RB$.
  22. I agree with Cowheard. Wrestling isn't a sport, it's a soap opera with fake-tanned, greasy roid users. Keep it off the sports page.
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