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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I tried but the alarm goes off at 3am so I shut it off at 1-1. Good thing I guess. Maybe they will get Calgary on Sat.
  2. I know this thread is a bit tongue and cheek but I think you really have to worry about a dude with a dead squirrel on his head. Coming from a guy who shaves it down with a bic, I just don't get "rug" guys. It screams insecurity. Not exactly a leader type that I would want running my team. Although he may make a nice D-coordinater, and the "rug" jokes could offer some levity for a long season.
  3. I'd still take him for a year or two. The options don't seem much better.
  4. So the Packers will take MaGahee for Favre straight up? This all seems nice in fantasy land but in the real world their are 100 reasons why this won't work. Starting with my first statement. No way the pack makes that deal. They need O'line and defense. Just because they went six deep with their running backs doesn't mean they need one. I'm guessing Green or Davenport will be their starting RB.
  5. I like Capers, they make a nice Puttanesca sauce. Althought you might have to go out and get a QB like SAGE rosenfels. Bum da bum. Thank you, I'll be here all night. Try the lamb chops. But seriously folks...
  6. Last night was mostly because they play in the dark in edmonton.
  7. I guess I should have included the word "football" somewhere in there. Who the hell is Jack Cust.
  8. I don't think you are serious but I hope you are right.
  9. Diving? Maybe but name a team that doesn't. Whining? The Sabres are far from the worst in that department. The Mapleleafs start complaining 2 hours before they drop the puck.
  10. I thought I had bad hours (3am-3pm). Those hours SUCK. You work 19 hours days?
  11. So when do we hire Mike Sherman? Probably never.
  12. I didn't miss them, and I got 3 hours of sleep because of it. I'm not complaining, but if they lost I woulnd't only be dead tired at work today. I would be pissed. Good thing I'm not. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with the whole "best team in hockey" label. Right now they aren't even the best team in their division, and until they can stay within 5 goals of Ottawa they won't be in my book.
  13. That's the word so far. We can only hope! Woohoo! Go Sabres.
  14. That sucked and the NBC/CBS (i can't remember which network was playing the game) has a shift tracker so you know when your favorite "star" player is on the ice. They keep trying to re-invent the wheel, just show the damn game. I know who is on the ice because the players have these little things on their jersy's called NUMBERS. Not to mention that every player has subtle nuances to their game that make them instantly recognizable from a far.
  15. Well, if you wanted a coach that didn't wear a headset, then Wade was your guy. He really took a lot of grief for that and his "well, I don't really know" press conferences. Just be thankful the term puntcatcher will never be echoed in GB.
  16. A good source for last minute fantasy news, if your into that kinda stuff.
  17. Are you being serious? He freaked out.
  18. I think that is in "another" type of forum.
  19. What was especially maddening, as a fan rooting against the Steelers, was the inablilty of Indy's D to locate the TE running free through the secondary every passing play. It was obvoius that the Steelers were using this to offset the LB and S blitzing. All game long the TE's were uncovered.
  20. Last time I checked, I didn't see Takeo running around the field acting like a douche bag. Save your, "I'll take my 3 superbowl winning douche bag over your 6-10 cool guy" post. I hate Tom Brady. It's personal. I hate that !@#$er. My wife is a patriots fans and she is sick of his act.
  21. Atleast you didn't go home with french fry grease all over your clothes.
  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw his B word like, drama queen, arms flailing around like a two year old act. This screams to me the real Tom Brady and I'm glad it finally rose to the top. What the hell happened to Mr. Cool?
  23. Well, he is 29 and starting a career at BK. I'm guessing that he is not in the mensa club or the "I have a high scool diploma" club for that matter.
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