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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Well, you could have gone with "I like pricks".
  2. Just said he work out with Nate and London on Jim Rome's show. Maybe they can pitch him...I can dream can't I?
  3. A dude I work with is on that list. He was at the company xmas party taking pictures of everyone and I told him not to bother taking pictures of our table. Sodomy, 16 year old boy. Thank you not so much.
  4. Interesting. The volunteer had me apply pressure but wrapped my arm up with gauze and tape shortly thereafter. Maybe I needed to apply the pressure longer.
  5. My wife was talking about donating platelets. Maybe next time. They said I was really fast. (six minutes) I hope I don't get any major cuts then.
  6. That must be why when the first lady stuck the needle in me she didn't get any blood and had to call for backup. Not fun.
  7. Just curious if my fellow posters give some of their blood to help out others? I did for the first time this weekend. p.s. Any idea why it looks like someone took a sledgehammer to the area the blood was drawn from? (please save your "google.com" or "webmd.com" retorts)
  8. At least I think they do. Either that or they just finished a brutal stretch of four conference games. They still should have won yesterday against Seton Hall. At this pace I'm pretty sure they won't get the invite to the tourney. Probably a good thing, so I don't have to see them lose in the first round again.
  9. Dumont just came back and Pyatt is due back in a week. Briere is a month or so away I think, so I doubt Darcy will pull the trigger anytime soon. Trade deadline is the most likely scenario. Even then, I would suspect Mika to be the one moved for a draft pick or prospect, IMHO.
  10. That stupid pixie pic has me mousing over every link I ever even think about opening. I fell for it once, that was once too many.
  11. The team really responded to Drury's call-out. If the rangers's goalie doesn't stand on his head, the score is easily 4-1.
  12. Clean hit, dirty player. The Sabres whine way less than most teams. As far as Max goes, he can't play smart. He is consistently making dumb plays and taking moronic penalties. I often wonder if he actually understands the fundamentals of the game.
  13. Exactly where was that roll of quarters?
  14. I have never been a jersey guy but I can tell you a little ditty that may help. Two years ago, at my company Xmas party, one of my fellow employees showed up in a FUBU jersey with his wife. Everyone stared and made snide comments. I guess wearing a jersey to a function at LOCUST HILL wasn't exactly good judgement. Then again, marrying the neighbor hood prostitute (yep, he did) wasn't good judgement either. I guess the moral of the story is if you are going to wear a jersey don't bring your prostitite wife with you unless you are going to share.
  15. Sound good to me. The wife and step-son will accompany.
  16. Forty years old! That sucks. I only hope, for selfish reasons, that it was unnatural causes. If he kealed over with no outside influences, I'll schedule my doctors appt today. I, like everyone who posts here, didn't know him personally, but he seemed cool. May Sean live a long fufilling life so you no longer have to live( ) in his shadow in heaven or hell or where ever Chris is at.
  17. I would expect a "dawg" to jump on the Kobe badwagon. Kobe is a selfish a-hole. I don't understand why people are annointing him the next anything. He is a MJ ripoff. He copies his mannerisms, his voice inflections and nearly everything about MJ. The only thing he can't copy is class, desire to WIN, and unselfishness. Kobes only desire is to score and get publicity.
  18. I guess I will reserve my opinion until I get a good taste of how Dick really works. I have never been a big Dick fan but I like Marv and he likes Dick. Dick seems like he is kinda hard on his players so I hope they don't end up not liking Dick. Hopefully, I can look back at this post and appreciate Dick.
  19. Anyone mention the two tards that befriended one another. You know the one dressed like his Grandma's couch and the inventor dipsh*t. Those guys had me rolling.
  20. I think I speak for most people when I say this, but WTF is ESPN hollywood? Heather Graham with always be 'roller girl' to me.
  21. Did you have "dueling banjo's" playing in your head?
  22. I thought this thread was about men with...forget about it. I'm probably not being funny. Hey Kelly the fair and balanced dog, is this funny enough for you?
  23. In Buffalo?
  24. Diet, Smiet. I lost 20 pounds (204-184) over a three month span and it all invloved running my arse off. I put 10 back on after I stopped running but I'm back at it and hopefully will get down to 175. Lets face it, running sucks. Depending on how out of shape you are (I was immensely), it is damn near impossible to do. I just started with small sprints, mixed with aggressive walking. Slowly, I would increase the running time and decrease the walking time. After a while I got up to running 23 min out of 30. It kept my heart rate pumping and the fat burning.
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