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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I can only think she has got SERIOUS mental issues. She is married, right? Imagine being that guy. Right about now would be a good time to eat a Smith & Wesson.
  2. Anyone else stuck at work? I am the only office personel in today, the other one hundred are off. Ugh.
  3. Hey that was my signature. Wait, that didn't sound right. Here it is. "I got the opportunity to go down there and play some golf and I said, 'Yeah, I'll play golf with Brett Favre,'" Losman said. "He invited me to the house to go pick him up, so I went to the house, and there he was with his tight little shorts, no shirt, his little red hat, and he was doing some farming or something, and he was covered in dirt. It was awesome, man. It was good to see that." Evertime I read it, it sounds worse.
  4. A red pen monkey. But the pay is nice.
  5. I think my wife would like to argue that point.
  6. I'm task oriented, and in my position I can only do what is put in front of me. I'll do as much as they ask, and then some, but it's still not enough.
  7. I can't argue with that. My boss is an idiot. I always welcome more work but never seem to get quite enough.
  8. Everyday, when I go home from work, their are two things on my desk. A computer and a clock. Keep it clean and tight, trying to project a little bit of professionalism here.
  9. Anyone got a pic of that?
  10. Went to St. Lucia in July. I would avoid that season due to the Hurricanes (which we narrowly avoided), but it was astonishingly beautiful. My friends and family have all honeymooned there and I've heard no negative responses. It is ridiculously secluded with many choices for resorts (Sandals being the couples fav). The only drawback is that the entire country is dirt poor so if you stray off the resort be prepared for some harsh realities. They keep it clean and crime free. Let me know if you need specific info. p.s. we ran into GB packer linebacker there, Nick Barnett
  11. I think Ace plays for the "guy vote" every night.
  12. ...or maybe Teri Hatcher is getting jealous. Bravo my man Ryan, Bravo. (I need a smiley with a little scruff on it)
  13. Please no more jeans Mandisa. She looks like the Stay-Puff marshmallow woman dipped in chocolate.
  14. That's good. I have a neighbor that might remedy.
  15. Do you want the $, revenge, or both? If it's the $, a small amount of plotting will be needed. If you let some time go by, you could get in tight with him and then treat his abode like a looter treats a electronic store during a riot. If revenge is soley what you seek, it will take a wee bit more work but the results will be worth it. What type of person is he? Where does he work? I would go right for the jugular, and target his job if it really means something to him. If they drug test at his employer, a little weed/coke pizza sprinkle would work nice. Just make sure he's drunk cuz otherwise he might notice the otherwise weird sensation the pizza is giving him. No drug test? Find out the dirt with this !@#$. Is he married or in a serious relationship? This target is easy but a lot more volatile. Everybody has dirt. Find out what his is and spread it where needed. You may not get your $ back but ruining someones life can be invaluable.
  16. Based on limited view of the trailer for next week, he looks like he's coming back with a vengence. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bloodbath in the next few weeks. I definitely see one or two major players meeting their maker.
  17. Should premature ejaculation be a consideration when drafting?
  18. I just checked your B-day and I think the cutoff point for the Don and Mike show is somewhere between you and me. I'm 34 and don't really like their stuff. I can't explain why but I don't find their show funny.
  19. my wife did and I said WTF are you talking about? Now I know.
  20. Not that I know her personally, but if anyone goes into porn it will be that skank Pickler, not McFunnbags.
  21. I can't. It's like...well..it's like smoking freaking crack.
  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees through her BS.
  23. Felser's knowledge of Bills history is impressive but I'm not sure what is going on with him presently. I know that as a member of the print media, he does the obligatory butchering of the pronounciation of every NFL players name.
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