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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I guess I just needed to move my mouse...too much work...thanks!
  2. Might I suggest headphones and a MP3 player?
  3. Nah, the guy was just a 175 years old. You see, technology in the future... p.s. Can someone please put words to these:
  4. Precisely! I was watching this video game turned real life when it dawned on me why paintball had turned into such a farce. This stupid "sport" was a giant metaphor for a society that has turned into a giant baby suckling on the teat of self-gratification and instant indulgence. Instead of careful planning and using strategy to conquer one's opponent, these pacified loser psuedo-participants got their ADD hard ons by clipping an opponent with a seemingly inifinte number of paint balls. WTF, or am I over analyzing this a bit?
  5. The paintball was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. They just knelt behind giant barriers and fired paintball machine guns around the corner. It required little skill if any to do these "manuvers".
  6. Just finished "The Davinci Code". Started it 3 days ago. It made reading fun again. I lied, I actually read two books since college(1994). Marv's "Where would you rather be" and John Stewarts "America". I spent the 90's reading the backs of beer bottles...and in the 00's they started talking to me...
  7. This time of year, TV becomes unwatchable...and tards like me actually read a book for the first time since college.
  8. Cut and...er...pasted?
  9. I think you just became my favorite poster no matter what your identity actually is... p.s. In a stalkeresque move I'm dropping your post into my sig.
  10. Anything over .08 is considered legally drunk and all offenders are of equal "offense". Now, we need to look at the variables in the equation. Mainly the arresting officer and Sentencing judge. If you blow a .11, cooperate with authorites and show up to court fairly presentable, you will likley receive something close to the minimum guilty penalty as far as fine/probation/jail time. If you blow a .24, swear at the cop, and show up at the court house smelling like Jack Daniels, you won't leave the court room without a set of cuffs and an orange jumpsuit.
  11. It's on right now...
  12. I spit on Salvatores...
  13. Now that is saying something...
  14. I was getting ready to give myself this. crickets
  15. I occasionally come across this pile of sh-- TV show and find it somewhat entertaining on a train wreck sort of level. The last episode has me really shaking my head. Sebastion Bach, yes he of Skid Row fame, might be the single dumbest human being alive. Sebass' wife and Evan Seinfeld's wife (porn star Tera Patrick) are posing half naked for a photo shoot, when Bach's wife drops off her Bra and he starts running around like a 12 year old. Telling us how hard his rod is and he is going to !@#$ a light socket. I love my wife and enjoy seeing her naked, but I'm pretty sure I've never pulled the Baboon like stunt that I witnessed last night. Am I the only one that found this a little weird?
  16. I think I've seen that photo next to "weathered" in the dictionary.
  17. If you were mutually exclusive (few weeks too soon for that?), I'm guessing she won't be there. Well, maybe she'll institute the 60 mile rule. Any cheating outside 60 miles doesn't count... Good news for you, the 60 mile rule works both ways.
  18. I'll bet all the neighborhood dads suddenly found the need to "walk the dog", once they got a load of Evan and his naked beeaaatches.
  19. I won't but I repsect your opinion.
  20. Nobody dislikes soccer more than me, but the nuts around here are out of control. If I ever meet Soccer Sam, I'm going to take those ridiculous $2 Mickey Mouse sunglsses of his off and stomp on them...and then replace them with my $140 Oakley's because I'm that kinda guy. AS far as soccer not being the #1 sport. You are probably right, but Rochester still calls itself Soccertown USA. UGH!!!
  21. If every U.S. city followed soccer like Rochester, it would be the #1 sport in the country. It is a weird phenomenon that has this community extrememly divided. Soccer lovers vs. Soccer haters. Not much room in the middle.
  22. Me thinks those links aren't just an accident. Lemme splain. Homeboy, Evan, has found a somewhat ingenious way of pimping his naked ho sights. Call me a cynic, but I find it a little too coincidental that wanna be porn king Evan just happens to have these links with that suspect sidekick story. BTW, dude looks straight up creepy in those photos...and where the hell were those pics taken. It looks like it was the middle of Pittsford. It's not many $800,000 neighborhoods where half naked skanks are flaunting their sh-- on crotch rockets. At least not where I'm from...
  23. Was the other half in butt-naked Italian Hotties?
  24. you mean like this - not exactly safe for work
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