Doubt it would even be an issue, there would be alot of teams out there desperate for a WR that would offer him a new contract for super $$$ just to try to salvage their season. Besides I like the Tony Gonzalas fantasy better.
After a 2-0 start I'd venture to say neveryone is along the same lines.....We havent won enough to be cocky or arogent yet....It's only been 2 games and were just quietly hoping we can start talking smaker after the bye!!!
A play off contender last year, an efficent QB and a stiffeling defence..were gonna have to work hard.
Just wanta put that out there and not be a one game victory and "were going to the Super Bowl" guy.
I'm sure most of you have heard this on the Tom Brady 24 hour telethon for a cure called ESPN.
But really? Your #2 guy held a clipboard for Palmer and Lienhart is entire collage career?
Did they really see something in this kid or did Bellicheat* put all his eggs in one basket with Ms. Brady? Or was the *s that strapped for cap space? Can anybody shed some light on this?