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Everything posted by twist_to_open

  1. I'd add the scouting department to the list, BB is a good strategic GM, but wiffs too much on draft picks, he needs better counsel.
  2. He'll play.... Tua will play.....were doomed 😪
  3. I foresee BB applying for our DC position when it becomes available this off season.
  4. In the 90s I was attached to VF-154 aboard the U.S.S. Independence in Yokosuka Japan, flew from Tokyo to Buffalo, caught a Bills Dolphins playoff game, if memory serves me it was Don Shula's last game I think...
  5. Is the game available to listen to on the WGR app?
  6. I hate you. I have to take an ibuprofen just to drive 3 hours!
  7. Detroit is such an economically depressed area, would be good to see the Bills Mafia organize with a local charity as a way to say thank you to the city. I'm know I'm just talking here but feel there are members more connected/engaged that can run with this.
  8. I'm a 60 year old 3rd generation Bills fan, and I just have to say I've never recalled a time when the team has been this closely followed for 4 days prior to a game. Pretty wild!
  9. Go get him! I already have his jersey!
  10. Thanks for the heads up Beach, going there after work today!
  11. I hope we keep Punt God on the bench. Rest all our starters!
  12. I'm preordering his jersey now!
  13. I don't know, has Beane ever had any luck trading up for the 7th over all pick and getting an impact player?....
  14. "At the end of the day....." Seems when every player and coach is interviewed they manage to sneak that phrase in, I rarely if ever hear it used outside of a football interview.
  15. Please let Cinny win the coin toss.
  16. As a suggestion, what about a separate game day thread for those tailgating and at the game who would be generous enough to post their observations and pics to share with those out of Towner's and those who can't attend?
  17. Is that from today? 5 hours to go, wonder what the tailgating looks like already.
  18. Is Tylor Heineke gonna be available? Him!
  19. I haven't taken a pregame shot yet, I must be a bad fan with no love for the game 😐
  20. No tolls on that route, correct? I can't remember, but took that way to the airport back in Sept.
  21. When I was there I watched a game at Fat Harry's, a Bills Backers bar, and there was a big crowd of Bills fans.
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