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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Having a hard enough time finding the time to get fully through the Mueller report.
  2. Should any of the "least scandalous administration everTM" members start to get indicted, will you look at the evidence before shouting "witch hunt" or just go there directly?
  3. In fairness, Brian Williams was in THE ROOM where this all went down & we should all be appreciative that he's as honorable a soldier as he is. 'Course, he MIGHT have watched a SMIDGE too much of "You are There" as a kid.
  4. He also was the WSJ's token lefty on the editorial pages (since followed by Alan Blinder & then William Galston). Anyone that read the Journal knew what they were getting from him. He was consistent.
  5. Isn't the guy being supported in the "coup" the one who actually won the election?
  6. Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.
  7. Hockenson was my preferred guy, but Oliver was an extremely close 2nd. Beane does seem to understand how these drafts work. Made as many moved as he needed to get the 2 guys he wanted last year (& didn't lose any of this year's high picks) and managed to stay put for the 1 he wanted this year.
  8. Interesting, only Americans should decide US elections? So, you were all aboard with bringing the hammer down on your hubby when Gore happened to walk away with oodles of Tibetan Buddhist monks cash, right? Too bad there was "no controlling legal authority" actually able to enforce that one, right? (Funny how laws designed to keep politicians honest always seem to have such loopholes baked in.) And, you've never comingled Clinton Foundation money with your own nor has that organization ever accepted foreign donations, right? Oh, how silly, that money wasn't for electioneering, that was for policy setting; totally different realm. Yup, she's definitely legit in her criticizing on this.
  9. Which is where 45's twitter habit comes in handy as he then likely says something that sounds so outrageous that the MSM pundits can't help themselves but to address it, bringing that at least to light. He also has the MOABs with the national Emergency texts & the ability to declassify anything he chooses. Both of which probably lead to actual shooting. Hoping that if the Spygate is as bad as it appears to be that the good people (& there are many) in the MSM pull off their own coup against those literally related to the bad guys. Really looking forward to what Huber & Horowicz put out and hoping whatever they found gets all laid out, though realizing that very likely might not happen.
  10. Is firing one bad coach when they end up replacing him with another bad one truly "wise?" Figuring the last truly wise thing they did probably harkens back to the 60's.
  11. When's the last time the Jest did something wise?
  12. So, do the Dems nominate Tea Leoni this next time? Ya know, it's just crazy enough, it might work. :p
  13. That could be the dumbest thing ever read here (not penned by Tibs) including 3.5 & Retatta.
  14. Probably a wise choice. Anyone who's been getting their info regarding Trump/Russian collosion from either CNN or MSNBC (& other mainstream sources) will still THROUGH TODAY believe that Trump colluded with Russia against our national interests because that's LITERALLY what they are being told. Even at this point, with the Mueller report available & much open source info available contradicting that view, probably not a good idea to "turn this political" which is what the people buying into the CNN narrative would consider a direct shot across the prior administration's bow. Better to wait for the next phase of the rollout when the evidence of spygate is officially available before trying to shift that paradigm, IMHO. Those "mainstream" outlets are still doubling down on their entrenched position; those who listen to them will just dig in their heels harder & not believe what comes next if pushed now to believe that the "completely scandal free Obama administration" spied on opposing candidateS without ANY proof at all.
  15. Been watching them as background most of the afternoon. They really are losing their minds. Of course, Chris might be admitting that they've ALREADY lost their minds, so they aren't actually currently losing them.
  16. And now Andy Cuomo's brother is saying "the idea nobody did anything wrong or that this was a witch hunt or a hoax is demonstrably false ... hundreds of pages of piece of proof after piece of proof ... that they showed they were open for business for foreign entities in a way they should not have done & they lied about the same ..." And though it wasn't illegal it was still wrong. He just, literally, went All In holding Queen high w/ no chance for a straight nor a flush. Apologies, these posts should've probably been in the Media's treatment of Trump thread.
  17. And John King just called claims that the investigation was a waste of money is "horse manure." And Cavutto (pretty sure it's Cavutto, don't know all their talking heads by face) says the "report implicates the President in multiple crimes." WTF!?!?!
  18. CNN is full out looney. Tapper said that the joke about 'Russiaif you're listening, find Hillary's e-mails' was PROOF of collusion regardless of whether or notit was said jokingly or not & whether or not it technically rose to collusion. Valerie Jarrett's daughter was quite perturbed that Barr was politicizing this matter. One of the other talking heads expects that Pelosi will try to back away from impeachment. No ####ing ####, Sherlock. The report says there was no ####ing collusion.
  19. Apparently, 45 has released his answers to the questionaire Mueller's team had him answer.
  20. Will be pretty amazing just how much more vile than normal twitter comments will be tomorrow. And on Holy Thursday as well. Doubt many (any?) of the commenters will realize the irony.
  21. Sooooo, even though they officially won't know anything (other than was was in the 4 page summary) they'll come out & comment on it before they've readit? On what planet does that make sense? (Not even sure Tibs could defend that idiocy, though certain he'll try.) If they do comment on it even remotely accurately, won't they be exposing their own allies within the Mueller team? And if they don't comment on it, but merely decry how mean Barr is being, can they look ANYTHING but toddlerish? They've had ~3 weeks to prepare for this moment. Are they REALLY this ill prepared & cramming the night before the final exam?
  22. Would be hilarious. But probably not wise to tell their enemies any more details about what they have on them prior to releasing the wave of indictments against the perpetrators/backers of the spying operation.
  23. TOTALLY get why it matters politically. Can't see how it materially effects anything. So it is a particularly bad look for Nadler. It'll play well with his base, but makes him look bad to anyone still in the middle.
  24. Just how dumb does Snopes think it's average user is that it felt THAT meme was worthy of debunking? Really expected to find out Snopes giving any sort of legitimacy to it was fake. Sadly, doesn't apper to be the case. SMH.
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