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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. #BringOurMOBack #PoutyFace
  2. Interesting. My fervent hope is that grownups reclaim that party and they get back to more centrist policies. It's not happening any time soon, but that still is the hope. It would be nice to see them actually go back to being the "working man's" party. (Insert "person" for "man" and close enough.). And not just in lip service but actual policies. They haven't been there for decades, but that is the hope.
  3. Of course, the flip side is they know the sheeet that's coming down is real & know who's likely to get caught up will cause the electorate to break (relatively) heavily for 45 so running a centrist that's "electable" is a lost cause this time. UNLESS they can run out the clock, make it look like 45 is just as dirty as Epstein, and get "lucky" with a recession next year & then they get their desired loon into the office. And they didn't end up needing a guy / gal running as a centrist (like 42 did) so by doubling down on a weak hand they either lose as they expect & will have had their ideas out being discussed for 4 years when they aren't running against an incumbent so they have a strong chance OR their loon actually draws 3 cards to an inside straight.
  4. Twitter, that great forum that allows morons to go against Lincoln's old maxim. He definitely removed all doubt.
  5. Well, he does respond back that ACCESS to health care for illegals is common sense and further clarifies that as access to Emergency services. And a case can be made for that. But the question asked of him was should they receive free health care. Which granting them that is ludicrous on several levels.
  6. Definitely on board with you for the 2nd caveat but not for the 3rd; not sure about the 1st but leaning towards it. Unless law enforcement has some sort of probable cause they shouldn't be allowed to force someone to take off their mask. However, if they did / do, then not removing it could / should be a violation, but not a felony. And, if on private property wearing a mask, the owner or his rep should be allowed to remove you for wearing a mask if there's a policy against it; but simply wearing a mask on somebody's property shouldn't by itself be punishable by jail time.
  7. If no transcripts of his testimony are generated, how does one catch him in a perjury trap?
  8. Seriously, no Rob Reiner amongst that cast? Was sure that'd be right down Meathead's alley.
  9. Awesome. Have wanted to check the Athletic out for a long time & finally did.
  10. What's weird about it? He was the CMO & then the team President/CEO. He wanted to build the ties to Ra-cha-cha AND help his Alma Mater. Training at Fisher was a Win win for him.
  11. Hmm, Brandon canned, then the team looks to move TC away from his Alma Mater. Nope, no coincidence there.
  12. Because she was a CIA plant. Kennedy 's REAL wife, Marilyn Monroe, WAS killed (suiciding rivals wasn't a Clinton invention, you know; that was actually the aliens idea). Sheesh. And you claim to say "not saying it was aliens, but aliens.". Well, not saying ...
  13. The school DIDN'T approve that version of the speech?!?!?! Shocking. Good for her; but hope she doesn't ever need an official copy of her HS transcript again. 'Cause for some reason REALLY doubt that speech will make the administrative staff any more responsive to her.
  14. They say it was done to avoid "moralistic mobs." But a simpler explanation is they realize that they don't see what was wrong with that cartoon, so they expect to run ones in the future that will get them into the same hot water. So, rather than accidentally out themselves as anti-semitic D-bags might as well not run any cartoons at all. (Better to remain silent and be though a fool rather than to speak and remove all doubt.)
  15. And based upon your previously stated "logic" the point at which it becomes a car is when it is outside the factory walls. Until then, regardless of whether it has been fully assembled or not, it remains a WIP which should NEVER under any circumstance be called a "car," scientifically speaking, of course.
  16. The law has been passed and is sitting on his desk. I'd expect he'll sign it, but that hasn't happened yet.
  17. Beat the AFC 6 seed. Then the AFC 5 seed. Then the NFC 5 or 6 seed. Anticlimatic are us.
  18. He further went on to say "... and beyond department policies we were guided by principles of fairness; it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge. So that was justice department policy, those were the principles under which we operated, and from them we concluded that we, would, would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the President committed a crime. That is the office's final position and we will not comment on any other conclusions or hypotheticals about the President. ..." This statement would appear to directly contradict the statement from the title of this thread. So, basically, the press conference resolved absolutely nothing except that the Trump campaign didn't conspire with Russians and Russians did try to interfere. If the SCO was not going to reach a conclusion on obstruction specifically by the President, not sure how much value a statement that they could not "clearly" disprove a negative holds. Also, curious why you chose to drop the word "clearly" from this thread's title. It does seem to change the meaning of what Mueller stated. Especially considering his very next sentence was "(w)e did not however make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime." So again, they couldn't clearly prove a negative and didn't make a determination on a positive. And it would've been unfair to make a determination one way or another anyway. Guess there is 1 other thing we can be certain of - this press conference didn't change so much as a single person's opinion on "obstruction."
  19. Furthering this, he specifically said that others around 45 could have had charges of obstruction brought against them had Mueller's office found evidence of it. They brought 0 obstruction of the investigation charges to those around the President. He also said that because his office couldn't bring charges against the President for obstruction that his office specifically didn't make a determination EITHER way. There is, if it's possible for 45 to have obstructed the investigation completely on his own, the possibility that he may have obstructed the investigation. But, really having a hard time figuring out how he could have done that with NOBODY around him having assisted him in the obstruction of the investigation. If somebody can explain HOW he'd've actually obstructed the investigation without any assistance and not merely thought about obstructing the investigation, it would be really interesting to hear/ read how that might have happened. And, back to the elephant in the room, nobody in Trump 's campaign conspired with Russians to corrupt the election. And to the smaller elephant in the room, Clinton's campaign (read Podesta) was hacked but there was no mention that the DNC was hacked.
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