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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. How many of those other 50 were inflicted by the US?
  2. Good post. Just personally would be very wary of selecting a Penn State edge rusher after the way Jauron's Folly worked out.
  3. Ra-cha-cha.
  4. OK. Confused here. She met Weinstein while working on Cider House Rules (being made by Disney subsidiary (at the time) Miramax), but was then raped 10 years later by him. How does that rape 10 years later fall on Disney & their execs?
  5. Started out with "cancel account" and after about 5 minutes of being on hold ended up with a very nice customer retention / loyalty rep. Told her I'd like to discuss the loss of CBS & CW and also getting a discount on ST. Will be getting a "local channel connector" (aka an antenna) for free with a $10 discount for the month of the channels missing. And will get $40 / month off for a year to (more than) cover the $290 for the ticket. Asked if Max could get thrown in for free and paid for that but got 6 months of discounts to almost exactly even that cost out. Easiest & quickest (at least in the top 3) call I've had with them in the 15 or so years of making that call. Probably could have haggled for more, but the aggravation wouldn't have been worth the added discount.
  6. What would be the point of passing a law that would have been known to be unconstitutional at the time it was drafted and at the time it was signed into law?
  7. The 2nd Orange one. (St. James maybe?)
  8. Not sure how successful they'll by with this or "Monopoly for Socialists" , but they've been branching out with specialty Monopoly games for at least 20 years. (Have the Star Wars and NHL editions. Don't believe we were ever bored enough to pen them, but have them.)
  9. Have read (but haven't confirmed) that the US also treats babies that are born but will die very shortly after birth as live births but that many other countries treat them as still births (I.e., they don't count against life expectancy statistics). If that is accurate, adjusting the treatment of those births would move the US up in the rankings.
  10. BF decided to go off the board and rather than resurrect the next logically expected doppelganger John Adams, ran with being a woman for this one?
  11. It's quite scummy and it likely happened under previous regimes (Heck, it definitely did, South Vietnam Nam 's version of Hanoi Hannah was left behind to eventually get tied to a tree w/ her tongue cut out as just 1 example) but this throwing "assets" under the bus to frame the narrative against 45 just seems par for the course after we abandoned the Pakistani Dr that allowed us to get Bin Laden. If we can abandon him, who won't our guys turn on if expedient?
  12. Could see that. But at some point the MFers at CNN et al will need to wash their hands of people like Brennan & McCabe to have any smidgen of hope that story flies.
  13. She always wondered what it would be like to speak in front of more people than can fit in a lecture hall? (OK, we know the real answer is that's where the campaign money is.)
  14. Best of luck to her with the treatments. Maybe she's gotten lucky and the PC was caught early enough due to her having been treated for lung cancer, but it is rare to have a good prognosis with it. Wondering if she regrets not retiring 4-5 years ago?
  15. He is if you're using the binary number system.
  16. He LED the popular vote. But when nearly 3 out of 5 voters chose someone NOT named Clinton, it's a bit of a stretch to brag that he "won" it.
  17. Pretty sure she's talking about Clinton getting ~43% of the popular vote in '92 and ~48% in '96. (Putting a majority of the country against him by the popular vote metric.)
  18. Doesn't really matter whether he stays a lefty or not. Perception is king on that side, and the perception now will be that he makes Ted Cruz look liberal. Hope he didn't want to go to any parties the next 6 or so years. Pretty sure he's off a lot of guest lists that he used to be on.
  19. Yep. Can't say for sure they'll be good this year and in both games they faced QB2; but they dominated on both sides of the ball in the 1st 1/2 both games. Which is extremely encouraging.
  20. They can't really do that since the CBA started limiting practice time. Almost nobody has a Frank Reich holding for kicks anymore because the 2nd QB needs to spend his practice time actually QBing. And, unless they bring somebody else in, they will only have 2 QB's on the roster w/ the 3rd on their practice squad. So they can't make QB3 the holder either. So, Cor(e)y it is for holder.
  21. Well, if the map you're used to using doesn't show Isreal, wouldn't Palestine be an appropriate surrogate?
  22. So, none of these crack gum shoes had done enough homework / figured out that 45 doesn't drink? Wtf taught them their trade? Inspector Clouseau? Smh
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