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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Did they announce an investigation into the Bidens before getting the aid released?
  2. It is interesting that issues that are dear to your are the right to life and conditions in Honduras. IMHO, 45 has done more for those issues (though still not enough) than any other President since at least Reagan. Just a couple of readily brought to mind examples: 45 was the 1st President ever to speak at the March for Life and the border wall that you dislike is being proposed and implemented in no small part to thwart human traffickers preying on the poor from Latin America. Which brings back my earlier question: who will do more to effectively support (through actions, not words) issues that you hold dear than 45 has done & will do?
  3. Not looking to pile on, but am very curious about the bolded. What were you expecting Trump to be/ do as President prior to his election and what did you get that was different from that to make you now not only regret that vote but believe he should be removed from office on the basis of the 2 Articles of Impeachment? Because for me, the path has been the exact opposite. Couldn't stand / accept the crudity &/or carnival Barker that he'd shown himself to be in 25-30 years of being in the spotlight and refused to vote for him even though I expected that Hillary Clinton would be a far worse President than any we'd had before. So, voted for a write in candidate for the 1st time ever. (Living in a state that Hill was likely to carry by at least 3MM votes made that easier, but the fact is there was no way to justify at that time voting for him.) Now, since he was elected, though we've been told nearly daily for 3 years that we'd be seeing new wars started, there have been no new ones and the existing ones aren't escalating. Though we were told the economy would go to ####, employment is at all time highs, inflation is low, and the market is doing well. We were told he's a racist, but he champions prison reform and has essentially doubled federal support to historically black colleges and universities. Though we've been told he hates the rest of the world, he's pushed through 2 major trade deals. Though we've been told he hates NATO, we're still in it and our European allies are coming closer to meeting their commitments to it. ISIS and Iran have faced major setbacks as have human trafficers. That's just a portion of the positives of his record. Still really dislike his tone / tenor in his tweets, but should the economy still be good in November and we still find ourselves in no new wars, can't see how not to vote for him. (And consider myself more of a conservative / libertarian than a Republican.) But as a Republican yourself, who do you expect to get more of the agenda implemented than 45?
  4. Thought he might put Skinner with Eichel, but it's pretty clear that he wants Skinner and Johansson together. Which, in fairness, was a very good pairing early in the season before Johansson tailed off (probably due to an undisclosed injury and a few games prior to Sobotka's injury). While Frolik isn't a 2nd liner, he's better than Vlad and that line should be effective. Agree that improving the 2nd line should be a priority. Would prefer it to be a priority now rather than the off-season. Would really like to see a guy that could be an effective 2C for 2 years brought in, so he could slide to 3C when/should Mittelstadt or Cozens be ready to take that role from the new guy. That, and a goalie to team w/Ullmark need to be priorities 1 & 1A this off-season. (Without going crazy on the G, as if they end up w/ a really good one then they lose Ullmark to Seattle rather than their 4th D-man.) Also, based on this morning's line combos, it looks like Girgensons will get another chance with Rrinhart and Eichel while Vesey slides to Lazar's line.
  5. In practice yesterday, Skinner-Johansson-Frolik were a line. (Don't recall which reporter said that.) So, it is very likely, barring a setback that is what they run with tomorrow. The Sabres are the source for the Olofsson injury being week to week. And Sobotka and Thompson, who both had surgery, are officially listed as indefinite. Thompson is out until next season. Sobotka likely won't be back either though he's hoping to play again this season.
  6. UT's got a big annual rivalry game w/ OU. Which does kind of color that decision/ opinion. Q: Why doesn't Texas fall into the Gulf of Mexico? A: Because Oklahoma sucks.
  7. Didn't read the article, but was the reasoning because: he's a fictional lawyer, Jewish, small with boyish features, and stayed onstage for several hours with a couple of intermissions?
  8. Had thought my DVR was set to record all the proceedings (got the previous 4 days) off C-SPAN2. Just realized the recording of this morning's session didn't happen. ####
  9. My family paid for both of my children to graduate undergrad debt free. We could've let the kids take serious loans but didn't want to saddle them with that debt. #### Liz Warren and her "#### the responsible parents" bullschiff.
  10. If the US pulls out of the UN they can declare war on the US. As long as we hold a veto in the SC, we should always be in that body to keep the bad actors from really pulling mischief. Would much rather see us start a new organization that only truly democratic nations could join. Belonging to both would be best.
  11. Thanks for the info. Deep Tracks was back to its normal format today and just figured they were done with the Rush marathon.
  12. 1st off, condolences on the passing of your father. 2nd, if you want to be there, head down. But it doesn't surprise me that an "elder advocate" would prefer not to have grieving family around. That person will likely be trying to help with the final arrangements and also helping track down the will and getting your father's belongings back to you or other relatives from the nursing home. Have to believe that the advocate's job is easier without you and your family there and the person was looking at it from the logistics perspective. But, if you want to be there, and it will help you with the grieving process, go. Being there yourself and seeing that he and your family are not being taken advantage of and the peace of mind that comes with it is probably well worth that 1/2 price plane ticket & the rest.
  13. Um, he already HAS been impeached. He will not be convicted and removed from office.
  14. Let's hope the lads get as long a break before their next member passes on as they had between these 2. RIP Mr. Jones.
  15. Is there a R that really dislikes Sanders &/or Warren? Because dragging this out for weeks (months?) rather than a week or 2 really shafts them.
  16. You can't hold him in contempt. That's election tampering.
  17. Well, should the American people truly want to be rid of President Trump, there's this little thing called an election coming upon about 10 months...
  18. IF that really happens as a result of this trade deal that would be 1 of the best things to happen for US businesses in a long ####ing time.
  19. Good point on the goalie. A true starter that could relegate Ullmark to backup duty could have them in the playoffs all by himself. Just don't know that with their cap troubles (and bringing in a top tier goalie coach) that a true starter was viable get in the off-season and there aren't any of those on the market at present. A good backup (possibly even Johansson if they were to get lucky) could be obtainable now.
  20. The schedule is set up for them to have ~3-1/2 weeks of really strong results, 3 weeks of poor results, and then finish w/ ~3 strong weeks down the stretch. But people have expected them to stay in the abyss a couple of times this year after poor play but they've bounced back. (Not as high as they've needed but considering 1/2 of their scoring forwards have been out for a few weeks, their backup has been AHL backup bad, and they have a deficient C-spine better than probably should've been expected.) Doubt they climb into the playoffs but also doubt they have another Bylsma/Housley race to the bottom either. Just watching them to see what Eichel will do next, how Dahlin will continue to grow, see if Reinhart can finish above 70 (pretty sure he can), and how Montour and Jokiharju continue to learn the system and in Henri's case, grow as well. But if they had a 2C and a backup goalie, they'd be playoff bound. IMHO.
  21. Huh? So, if the Europeans won't stop being mean about them violating the Non-proliferation Treaty then they'll stop pretending to adhere to the NNP Treaty and simply violate that? What, did somebody tell the Mullahs that Kerry'll start negotiating for the Euros?
  22. Actually, though teams traditionally have chosen to keep 14F and 7D on their roster, a lot of teams have been switching to 13/8 because it makes it a lot more sense to run 8 D in practice (having a pair running through drills and another ready to run at each end and only having to roll 1 spare F through the lines) than to only have 7 and either mix & match pairs w/ 2 Fs to roll through the 4 lines or slide a F back onto a pairing. It is unusual though to have the 7 & 8 NHL caliber D men in/ close to their prime rather than guys that are either tweeners or long in the tooth on the back side of their career. (Yeah, Bogo kind of fits that latter description but he is still on his 1st non-ELC/bridge contract.)
  23. So they decided they couldn't name it the Jim Accosta Corageously Talking Back to Power Award AND give it to him in the same year? Really can't see these bubble dwelling bone heads giving this award to anyone else. SMH
  24. Tibs, how are the Congressional district boundaries from 2016 going to be ANY different in 2020? Or have that many NYer and Californicators moved to red districts in other states in the past 3 or so years to keep the HoR's D-majority? Please, do tell. Apologies to those that have Tibs on ignore, but just HAD to ask him how the #### he thinks this works.
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