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Everything posted by Taro T
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's partially that and also the fact that the media are desperate to pounce on any mea culpa he might make. No way he gives his enemies anything that would make them that ecstatic. -
Well, in fairness, the former is far more concise and just rolls off the tongue.
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
How does any of that make the original post you took exception to to be "almost all ... factually incorrect?" And whether the WHO offers the information on how to make the test or gets requests for that information (really don't see this level of semantics mattering and wasn't addressed in the OP either) doesn't matter as the US announced their own protocol the day the WHO (not Germany, the WHO) started pushing the German test. Not this this matters relative to the OP either, but how would the CDC have the German tests (which neither it, the NIH, nor the FDA had afaik done any testing of their own on) ready for use before they could remake their own blank samples which apparently was the CDC's test kit's issue? -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Which is wrong? That the CDC said they had their own test when the WHO started touting the German one? Is it the part saying the WHO's test "which has distributed by early February more than 1 million tests to countries around the world based in part on the method developed by the German researchers" wasn't made in Germany which had made 1.4MM by the end of February? Sorry, guess saying the WHO's test was the German 1 rather than "based on the German" kit was wildly inaccurate. The WHO itself has said it didn't offer the German test to the US. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The tests pushed by the WHO were developed in Germany, but haven't seen anything indicating that they were actually MADE in Germany. (Certainly those used in Germany were, but those used elsewhere likely weren't.) As China was set up to most readily make large quantities of tests and they seem to have a strong working relationship with the WHO, it makes sense that countries that didn't have their own capabilities to make test kits (or at minimum couldn't meet their own full demand) would have their kits made in China. And as the German test was the WHO's recommended test, it makes sense that it is the same one. The US didn't use the German tests because the CDC said they had developed their own kits the same day the WHO told the world about the German ones. Considering the problem with the US kits was a bad blank, it wouldn't have been out of the question for US made German kits to have the same issues. The thing that might have helped our situation some that isn't totally hindsight would've been shutting down flights from Italy before the rest of Europe. But, don't know if our treaties would've allowed us to restrict travel from only 1 European Country and not the whole EU. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
That was my suspicion, and per the article below that is likely the case. (Still need to review CARES Act to see if that is the actual case.) -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
As NY had already said last week it would start following this policy, curious if that accounts for at least some of the spike in reported deaths we saw yesterday. If people that did a month ago are getting added to the daily totals, we're going to see elevated death tolls until they've gone through the entire list. -
One might expect that response, but the typical one is that this proves we need MORE government because clearly the problem was there wasn't enough government. Had there been more, these delays and crashes would've been avoided. And, it should properly be democrats rolling out the technologies used by government because they did such a wonderful job with the ACA Insurance Exchanges and the Iowa Caucus vote reporting.
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
IF this is how they've reported suspected deaths from flu and other illnesses then don't have a huge issue with it, but doubt that's the case. Every year, when the CDC reports flu deaths they provide a count but also report the upper and lower confidence intervals for that range. On the surface, it seems this new policy will cause the reported deaths to be extremely close to the high end of that confidence interval. Will have to look back through the CARES Act and see how the sections on medical aid determine how that is allocated. Expecting that it's based on total cases and this way NY is goosing the total cases. It'd also make NY's cardiologists and pulmonary care Drs. appear to be miracle workers as they'll've somehow reduced deaths from heart attacks and diseases such as emphysema and pneumonia down to record lows. Win - win. The state gets more CARES Act cash and also gets higher Medicaid/Medicare reimbursement rates as outcomes are improved. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
At least in NYS hospitals already HAD such agreements to loan equipment to hospitals that have shortages if others had spare capacity. Which makes the Friday Cuomo press conference a week back saying he was calling in the National Guard so confounding. Of course, maybe somebody explained that to him over that weekend which would explain his about face on that Monday. -
Democratic 2020 Presidential Primary Thread
Taro T replied to snafu's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The media definitely helped Biden get through to the finish line of the preliminary race. But, ironically, their helping push 45 through HIS preliminary race back in '16, which backfired spectacularly for them in the General Election when their chosen one, the one that they helped through to the D's preliminary race back then, lost bigly to him, will end up dooming their efforts again in '20. They thought that The Donald was the 1 guy on the R side that absolutely positively couldn't beat Hillary in the General and pushed him hard early in the R primaries. They just failed to realize how frustrated a lot of people were with the Washington insiders and ended up pushing a guy that clicked with those voters and actually found the 1 guy that could beat the Clinton machine. Their putting their thumb on the scale isn't nearly as transparent as it was in the past. You definitely have reason to be mad at them. But, until 44 finally endored him today, thought for sure the D's would draft somebody (not named Bernie) to replace Biden at the convention. Now, expect that Joe's their guy until the gory end. How, out of ~100MM D's HE is their choice as the best choice, is simply boggling (until corruption gets added into the equation). -
Well, would say something about him once again demonstrating his followership or lead-from-behindship, but, in fairness he did get to endorsing Biden before Hillary did. Something he's done that she probably will never do. So, he's more of a leader than her at least. Once again.
There should be a national dialogue in getting back to work
Taro T replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If 45 tries to be the person deciding how/ when individual states will ACTUALLY be allowed to reopen; then will decry his actions right there with you. If, what comes from the administration is guidelines on how to do that, won't have any issue as that's what should happen. Rarely get worked up over his words, but do cringe a lot. Fortunately, for all of us, his actual actions have been far less cringeworthy and a lot have been beneficial over the past 3 years (generalizing beyond just this issue/ set of issues). -
That one wasn't due to the 'no 2nd helmet's rule. That 1 was due to Levy not wanting to make the players break in 2nd helmets. Other teams went to alternate helmets that year - e.g. Houston went with the powder blues when they played Buffalo in the Bill's road throwback game that year. The Bills could've, they just didn't want to.
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Been told to expect at least 3 weeks before those loans/Grant's start coming through. But also was told that when the applications actually work through the system that the funds are released within 3 days. That's for both the PPP & EIDL programs. Don't know much about the other programs the SBA is administering as they weren't remotely applicable to my situation. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Xi. -
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
Taro T replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No idea who they're gonna draft (though guess is it'd be Fredo's bro), but just can't see them running Biden after their convention. He makes Mondale look electable. -
Kissinger's still alive? TIL. Dude looked like he was in his 60's when he worked for Nixon.
There should be a national dialogue in getting back to work
Taro T replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Personally, my expectation is that we've and we'll continue to make this overblown by a bit, but due to our tendency as a whole to ignore guidelines, doubt that we wouldn't be royally ####ed without having shut stuff down. UK tried to use common sense with this trusting the citizenry not to be idjits, but it seems that last part was the unrealistic part of it. Still expect we'll be able to open back up sooner than later, but people will need to try to do the right thing on their own or all this tracking bull#### that people are proposing will actually happen and then we'll be ####ed way worse than we were. Seeing how bad NYC got hit and NO likely will has to be kept as a reminder of how not looking out for each other when stuff reopens will put us back where we were/are. (Because we can repeat that if we aren't smart.) We really are at a very real cross roads for keeping our freedom. Don't let the fascists or communists simply take it from us. Practice good hygiene and stay home from work if you're sick. Oh, and thinking China needs to forgive about $2T worth of our debt and probably a comparable amount around the rest of the world too. They've got the reserves to cover it and maybe next time their government will get their heads out of their arses rather than just let it get out into the world. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Taro T replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Agreed. But Hillary wouldn't have waited because of fear of being called a racist (everybody knows D's can't be racist by definition ). She'd have waited because it would have cut off essentially a personal money spigot of hers when the Chinese would have been threatening behind the scenes to stop funding Clinton Foundation initiatives. -
Definitely seeing the benefits of the ignore feature.
People "seem to be throwing caution to the wind" is what's giving you the vapors about this? Seriously? The medicine can ONLY be prescribed by a doctor. Obviously, the Dr. will discuss with the patient the reasons for taking it and the potential side effects to watch for. But, the federal government is hoarding it! Or maybe they're ensuring there will be a supply and giving producers a guarantee that if they make the medicine in amounts previously too great to ensure sale by the expiration date that they'll be able to sell it? Which seems more plausible? But people are buying it OTC & dying! No, they aren't. Morons bought something similar but with enough other ingredients in it to be lethal. That ISN'T buying it OTC. Stop giving engineers a bad name.
What have the Democrats done in the past Four years
Taro T replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The US has dropped well over $2T here and probably $B's elsewhere where the government's don't have their citizens chant "death to America." As soon as the Mullahs are gone, we can consider giving them monetary aid. But until then Feinstein can stick her proposal where the sun doesn't shine. If she really wants to help the Iranians, she should push for regime change. If she just kind of wants to help, quite certain her former driver has access to some higher ups in China. Maybe he could as them to help. We're tapped out.