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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Fran Dreschler's character in anything.
  2. Pretty sure pipe dreams are at the next window.
  3. Can't put it on the seat next to you, but it now fits on the floor under the seat in front of your empty $39 seat.
  4. Considering they never have more than 15,000 fans left in that stadium when the 2nd half starts and most miss most of the 1st Q anyhow, how big of an issue is it for them to limit the 2nd Q to that as well? This is, after all, the team that changed the seat colors from orange to something more muted to keep the absence of fans less noticable on TV.
  5. Yeah. Companies have a tendency to write overly aggressive assignment agreements into their employment contracts knowing that the employee has the choice of agreeing to it or not bvb eing employed. The ones that give them the rights to ANYTHING the employee might create or invent while employed have always been high on my personal indignation list. Not sure how legal they (or a FIVE year post termination clause, for that matter) are, but not many employees have the resources to challenge them.
  6. Not only that, but he also didn't know what his lawyers knew: that the FBI had evidence that he didn't lie to them and that he'd been offered immunity to testify before Congress. He also didn't have access to the original transcripts of his call with the ambassador nor his interview with the FBI agents. When the people you're paying to be your advocate are working harder for the prosecution than for you, you might be inclined to take that deal. Especially when you're being drained of your life savings and you don't 100% remember exactly what you said on the phone call, if they say that you got something wrong while under oath and if they can prove it, you've perjured yourself. Heck of a spot to be in. And if a 3 star general can get put through the wringer like that, imagine what they can do to an average citizen who happens to come into their sights.
  7. The 1st 5 are in order; after that, no particular order to them: WKRP in Cincinnati Cheers SOAP The Bob Newhart Show Taxi Police Squad Arrested Development The Odd Couple The Dick Van ***** Show Newhart Hogan's Heros Barney Miller It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia The League My Name is Earl Green Acres News Radio Wings (through 1st 3-4 seasons, then it went downhill) Mary Tyler Moore Show M*A*S*H (through Winchester's 1st season) Get Smart Family Ties (prior to Courtney Cox season) Freaks & Geeks & haven't watched it since being a kid: Gilligan's Island. Married with Children
  8. The bolded could be difficult when facilities that have the tests are still performing a triage on actually performing the tests even when somebody has a doctor's order to get the test performed. There are people here that are getting turned away from being tested after their doctor has decided they have a reasonable chance of having contracted it and are exhibiting multiple symptoms. ("We have to save the tests for the REALLY sick people" is what they were told when they were turned away & then told to voluntarily quarantine for 14 days.)
  9. She'd better be writing them early in the AM, because if she waits until after that morning mimosa then there's no way anybody'll be able to read 'em.
  10. Not sure if he still considers himself a lefty (probably does, but in more of the classical liberal vein), but in 2016 & earlier DR was a lefty. Hoping there is more to this story than what was on camera. But that is an extremely bad look for the cops (especially the fat 1 in the Yanks cap), and could see where that second guy (at minimum) will be getting a large sum of money from a jury. And could see at least 1 of the cops behind bars for a while. (Again, we only have a snippet of the story, but it looks bad on 1st blush. Hoping for the cop's (& our sake) that there was legit justification for their actions before the video started; because if there isn't he's (rightfully) screwed.
  11. Wtf? Not going to click that one to avoid giving her additional views, but please anybody that did view it, please tell us somebody asked her to pick out a couple of family members (can't believe she's got any friends) that she's ok with killing themselves because of the despair of having no job for months and no way to put food on the table (even if they can scrounge money for it) after the supply chain for food breaks down a few months into this shutdown. That, and she's an order of magnitude or possibly 2 over the death rate & she's assuming an awfully big family or network of friends to have 1 or 2 people being 1-2% of their family/friends. Of course, that tweet doesn't give much reason to believe she has even a rudimentary understanding of math. But we digress.
  12. Biden claiming that Reade never raised issues with supervisors a couple of days after his staff have reviewed the U of D records raises questions about what papers did people walk out with in their Sandy Berger underwear.
  13. Agree with a difference for a lot of disaster relief funding vs pension bailouts, but the flood insurance program is so flawed that it makes hurricane and flood relief comparable to pension program mismanagement IMHO. By having premiums significantly lower than the probability of payout would indicate they should be, we basically subsidize mansions on the oceanfront to a large degree and we shouldn't, again IMHO.
  14. Think we figured out where the CARES Act funding for the NEA ended up.
  15. Wouldn't she need to start out with some modicum credibility in order for any credibility to be destroyed?
  16. OK. Didn't Covington get a couple mil in legal fees from Flynn? Pretty sure he'd been better off buying lunches and paying the tuition bills for a year for a high end undergrad mock trial team to work his case rather than hiring the white shoes he did. Plus he'd have spent an order of magnitude less in legal fees. (And that's using kids that haven't even hit law school yet.)
  17. Those are good. But the yacht one would've been better if a word were mispelled.
  18. The schedule this year will be harder (at least on paper) because of the divisions the AFCE plays this year. It isn't because the Bills have a 2nd place schedule vs a 4th place version. That accounts for all of 2 games (they face last years 2nd place finishers from the 2 AFC divisions they aren't scheduled to play all 4 teams), but they also get 2 games vs the Fish that the Fish don't get to play. Plus, the Bills had a 3rd place schedule last year; not a 4th place schedule. They were 3rd in the AFCE in '18.
  19. That's what the air force engineers expertly avoided by not keeping all the planes on 1 side of the island. They performed a truly remarkable balancing act. But now that all that weight is gone, there'll be nothing to hold it in place anymore. Especially if the wind picks up it could get blown half way to Orehon before we know it; and then it won't be good as a bomber base anymore since the planes will all be too far from places in Asia, like Hawaii for instance.
  20. Did the force of the last plane leaving cause it to sail away now that it does have the weight of all those bombers holding it in place?
  21. But that was more than 1 entire year ago! It's ancient history, and anyway what difference does it make at this point anyhow? And silly wabbit, don't you know Tara Reid's accusations weren't center stage back then so there is no hypocrisy at all. None. At. All.
  22. What do you mean by "should be?" So far, it is.
  23. One thing that would be interesting to see is what would the normal rate of EMT calls & hospitalizations for items such as heart attack & stroke be for March & April in NYC and what is the survival rate when treated vs estimates of survival when untreated and what those rates are currently. We're being told that those are down significantly though it makes sense they'd still be occurring at traditional rates and that a significant portion that are now untreated are dying from them. Would presumably not make up for the full increase in deaths in NYC area as many are dying from the virus; but if those deaths (and from other untreated fonditions) are substantial perhaps even in NYC it is time to change at least how the hospitals are operating. Hopefully policy makers have that info.
  24. A N95 mask properly fitted and worn DOES help prevent the spread of the virus from you to the surrounding population. Few in the general public have access to masks of that quality. A cloth bandana strung across ones face like a 19th century train robber might reduce the velocity with which the virus expels from you but doesn't keep it out of the air. It provides minimal reduction of transmission at best and at worst creates a false sense of security for those around the wearer. THAT is what most places are considering effective masks. Just because they're effectively ineffective is no reason not to wear them though, right?
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