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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Well, as long as it isn't filled with women. That MIGHT be ok. But conservatives having binders might be a triggering action. So, we really need to ask Sens, Warren & Gillibrand whether this is an acceptable use of a binder. If they don't agree Justice Bader-Ginsburg's pancreas gets the deciding vote.
  2. Not being familiar with all those underlying statues that are back (pretty much) to normal enforcement, could you give us a Reader's Digest version of what actually has been opened up? Thanks in advance, counselor.
  3. You might want to add another condition to that bet, namely, that should he lose he has to use that new avatar for ALL his personas. Otherwise, this one simply goes away and before you know it Patrick Henry (or other Revolutionary War figure) shows up in his stead.
  4. Dayum, Tim put on a lot of weight since covering the Bills and Fish. ? (Yes, we know it's a different Tim Graham.)
  5. Agreed. Never heard of him before today, but if THOSE are the people that don't like him, then he definitely deserves the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Were they the Director? Were they even an Assistant Director? If they weren't at either of those levels & they weren't fresh out of the FBI's training academy they were by definition "midlevel." /every obfuscating jackhole still trying to cover up the pile that's laying exposed on the carpet
  7. ONLY one? This place got noticeably more readable around 5PM tonight. All in all it's been a good week.
  8. The statement by her ex from '96 definitely leads credence to the supposition that something happened to her in '93.
  9. Absolutely. Am just marvelling at how opposed to him they were a few months back but now they have to be thinking 'well, he can't be any worse.'
  10. So, do the Senate Dems ask for a voice vote to approve Ratcliffe tonight?
  11. It would be painfully dumb for him to do that. Grennell could just release his docs and let people compare them side by side. Full o' Schiff's statement with the release doubles down on the docs in this release proving 45's malfeasance. (Of course, if they really did, he'd've released them before he even officially could have done so.)
  12. Tells me he's desperately hoping somebody in his old "house" will keep the seditious battle going for him because he's realizing if they don't he's completely ######.
  13. Knowing who General Clark is, yep.
  14. Dear Mr. President, Please do things that democrats can use in campaign events to make you look bad. My aim in writing this is to help you (lose the next election, because at the national level that is all anyone from my side of the aisle (and the Never Trumpers from the other side of the Aisle, too) care about). (Did he forget to put the stuff in parenthesis in the letter, or did CNN edit it out?) Yep, great article.
  15. That comment as she walked away was sooooo telling. It is so sad that many of our presumably best "reporters" are so desperate to play gotcha with 1 side and accept what the other side says without asking any hard follow ups. It's good that they ask hard questions, but so many of them are desperately trying to get 45 and his press secretaries to do the 1 thing he never will because he'll never give them that soundbite and totally ignore asking questions that would help inform us. He's never going to say he was wrong on anything, but yet they keep trying to get him to say so. And they're apparently dumb enough to think the new press secretary wouldn't expect them to continue doing what they've done for nearly 4 years running. Wile E. Coyote only ever caught the Roadrunner 1 time & he was way too small to do anything yo him at that point. Apt metaphor as they continue to try on their ACME rollerskates and rocket kits.
  16. 1st off, thanks for all the info. It has been very helpful. 2 questions, if you'd be so kind. How do we get to herd immunity levels in any time frame significantly less than a full year+ if we continue to self quarrantine if with self quarantining for close to 2 months we're still around only 5% of the population having been exposed to this (2-6% testing positive for antibodies)? Do we not allow "non-essential" workers back to work before herd immunity is reached?
  17. Does the NFL collectively bring in ~$20B? Thought they were closer to $10-12B. If it's the former, that projected revenue drop is ~15%. If it's the latter, it's more like 25-30%.
  18. But if 88% of the tests come back positive, and 95% were asymptomatic, they may want to double check and make sure the boxes the kits came in don't say "made in China" on them. Those kind of results suggest a resampling of at least a portion of the prison population is in order.
  19. They did. And for some unexplainable reason they changed "give it a cry" to "give in and cry."
  20. Schiff will get those out extremely expeditiously. Just as soon as he can get Hades to freeze over, they are the absolute next item on the To Do list. Grennell releasing them is plausible. Schiff doing so ....
  21. Well, opening likely means more COVID deaths, but how many other stress related deaths does it prevent? How many people won't end up starving because the food supply chain won't have completely broken down? And how many people won't end up victims of crimes committed out of desperation? There's a lot more angles/layers to this than people want to acknowledge. Wonder how many politicians that are wresting with these decisions are now questioning whether the graft they get in good times are worth it?
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