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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Actually, kind of looks like Mattis quit and gave 2 months notice & then 45 said, no, you can leave NOW. So, he quit AND was fired (fired for the 2nd time by a 2nd president). Hit the daily double.
  2. Wouldn't they have to start eating broccoli in order to stop eating it?
  3. On the plus side, it is good to see these governors realize we have a 1st amendment that says we have freedoms of association (& religion, & the press, & speech, & to petition for the redress of grievances). Unfortunately they don't seem to realize all those others in the parentheses are also covered. Truly don't know how they'll ever get people to agree to a lockdown again unless the disease roars back with a biblical vengeance in the next 2-3 weeks. Even then, hard to see people going along again. In my county there are still exactly 2 deaths attributed to the virus with barely over 100 total acknowledged cases. Good luck shutting down all our businesses and restaurants again.
  4. The day DeBlazio was elected that was obvious.
  5. While his rhetoric has improved since the death of the Senator from Arizona, his actions really haven't. Really seems that somebody else has something on him as well.
  6. Was the HCQ combined with either / both zinc &/or AZ? There was no indication in the WaPo article whether it was; but considering that wasn't mentioned & without having access to the source study will assume they tested HCQ by itself. If it wasn't used in combo, the study tells us nothing we don't already know.
  7. PLEASE let that be a true story. Maybe going all "star bellied sneeches" on these haters might give them a clue. Doubtful, but if it doesn't work at least they're damaging their own rather than innocents.
  8. Both sides definitely have a predilection to believe the people that don't think like they do are stupid. Pretty much always been that way. But a bigger problem IMHO is that many from the left believe that most everybody on the right are not just dumb but evil. And, since antifa started up, we're seeing people on the right start to consider that those on the left are evil. If we all start believing the other guys are evil, it becomes real easy for those in power to keep us fighting each other rather than realizing that we ALL are Americans (realizing not everybody on this board is, apologies to the handful of Canadians, Aussies, Euros, & other that are here), we all want about 90% of the same things and about 1/2 of that remaining 10% we aren't that far off on. Is it really worth hating someone that you disagree with a lousy 5% of the time? We need to keep focused on the fact that those of us who we disagree with aren't the enemy. (Not that you were suggesting otherwise.) A couple of real encouraging things about these protests is seeing protesters actually turning on the rioters in their midst & also seeing some cops & protesters finding common ground. That it took having people locked down for over 2 months before this sort of stuff broke out is also something.
  9. "This media could not be played." Gray screen.
  10. Don't know that for sure. If the woman on MSNBC is right about them having known and worked together at a restaurant for over a decade, this could be personal & might be more like Murder 1. Not sure how Minnesota's laws work, but if they were thinking they might be bringing charges that serious against the cop, that could explain the delay on arresting/ charging him. And, though an ordinary citizen would likely "get arrested ... on the spot" would they necessarily have been charged on the spot as well? Maybe one of our actual lawyers like @Koko78 could weigh in on that. Because if they wouldn't necessarily get charged right away, then "arresting" them really doesn't add anything to the eventual serving of justice. All 4 of these cops were fired. Not just put on leave, but actually fired. That says, IMHO, something additional is on its way.
  11. NYC expected to enter Phase ONE on June 8.
  12. 5 regions now in Phase 2. The international experts said those 5 are good to advance.
  13. Wouldn't get your Hope's up too high. There's a LOT of people in NY that truly do fear things are opening too quickly and are fine with slow walking this. Sadly.
  14. Disagree. If you repeal it you give the Net Neutrality acolytes the cause they need to eventually succeed. Clarify the distinctions on what sort of editorial activities distinguish a platform from a publisher & then let those entities decide which side of the line they want to operate. They'll walk back to essentially where they were back in '16 or they'll get sued into oblivion. They're choice but the internet then remains open.
  15. He's supposed to have a press conference at 1PM. That certainly will be covered.
  16. So, rather than LightBrites shutting down Boston, will it be Ms PacMan now?
  17. How friggin' ironic. THIS is how people try to "Get Smart." People really are nucking futz.
  18. Don't expect he's getting paid; definitely not for posting HERE. (Seriously, what kind of a sane person would pay a guy to post political info on a Buffalo Bill's submessage board dedicated to politics where the phrase posted far more often that any other is "you're an idiot?" Whoever pays Tibs is definitely not sane.) But should DR ever eventually get a book out of this, and he really should, will definitely get in line to buy it.
  19. Awful? It hides better than 1/2 her face. That's a win for EVERYONE.
  20. 2 men say they're Jesus; one of them must be wrong.
  21. What in the name of all that's good & holy is that nonsense? Don't English majors have to take at least ONE ####ing history class?
  22. Has he not returned to "normal" or had he not returned to his baseline? That dude had never been "normal."
  23. Even if it was a joke and not another lefty pulling the Oprah 'you'd better keep this store open beyond regular business hours; don't you know who you're speaking with' card. The issue isn't that he was trying to get bumped to the front of the line. The issue was that she just asked/told everybody in Lansing to keep away from the rural areas that weren't having Covid issues but her and her husband were planning on doing EXACTLY what she said people shouldn't do. To paraphrase a lefty icon: It's the hypocrisy, stupid.
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