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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. The mistake was not made by the ref. It was made by the league. I've never stated that the Sabres would definitely win the series were "no goal" called correctly; but I definitely liked the Sabres chances better by allowing them to continue to compete for the SC vs. just AWARDING it to the Stars. I agree that Gelinas' goal should have counted. That has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in 1999.
  2. How is "no goal" exaggerated. The league, by it's own admission didn't follow it's own WRITTEN procedures. Regardless the phantom memo claiming the play was good (and it wasn't), according to the RULEBOOK in effect in 1999, the REFEREE IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON ALL REVIEWED GOALS. Gregson is on record as being told by the people upstairs that the goal was good. He is also on record as stating that he couldn't see Hull in the crease because Holzinger was falling in front of him. Had Gregson known that Hull was in the crease prior to the puck entering the crease (which is what happened) he would have WAIVED OFF the apparent "goal". The people in the replay booth were only supposed to tell Gregson the order of events and HE was supposed to make the decision. The league stated that the play was reviewed upstairs and the decision was made in the VIDEO BOOTH to allow the goal. That is #$@!#@!%. The lazy SOB's gave the world another example of how the league was a garage league.
  3. No data on attendance. Since I moved to Rochester, I make it to about 1 Bandits game every 2-3 years in HSBC. Try to go to a game in Rochester as well, but didn't make it this year. Bandits will crush your pathetic swarm. Bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha.
  4. My favorites: A President needs political understanding to run the government, but he may be elected without it. Harry S. Truman Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social injustice. Harry S. Truman In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-discipline with all of them came first. Harry S. Truman It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences. Harry S. Truman Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Harry S. Truman Most of the problems a President has to face have their roots in the past. Harry S. Truman Those who want the Government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination. Harry S. Truman To hell with them. When history is written they will be the sons of bitches - not I. Harry S. Truman When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship. Harry S. Truman You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one. I don't believe in little plans. I believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which we can't possibly foresee now. Harry S. Truman The list ended up longer than I expected it to be.
  5. Wouldn't know. Since they closes Neeland's (sp?) Dairy there isn't much reason to stop there except for LaPaloma's.
  6. I know there's a Chuck E Cheese's joke in there somewhere, but it's just not working today.
  7. Well, Alden always was a pretty barbaric place.
  8. You probably shouldn't hang out at the boarding school either.
  9. Ditto.
  10. You work WAAAAY to hard at this.
  11. Sneezy Dippinfanny Is that going to get me arrested?
  12. Depends on what teams. I'd rather watch the Bisons play another good AAA team than watch KC play almost anybody.
  13. The cool thing about going to a baseball game is, for the most part, you don't have to pay attention. 90% of the time, before anything on the field happens you will hear the CRACK of the bat hitting the ball. You just look up when somebody hits the ball and you are good to go. (All you miss is the occasional stolen base and guys scratching themselves. ) Of course, I've only been to 1 MLB game since '94, but I do still go to a few AAA games now and then.
  14. Not true. He has been GM of 2 teams. They are the only 2 he has coached that he did not win a SC with. (He also GM'd and coached the Blues 30+ years ago.)
  15. This Saturday is April 22. Even if his birthday WERE in April, which it ain't, with a birthday of 9/4/79, his birthday would have been a week ago Sunday. Max's birthday is September 9th, 1979. But thanks for playing.
  16. Considering that the City of Rochester will be out about $30MM when all is said and done, I don't really mind the $24,000 / day to give the new administration time to TRY to get the deal right this time. My gut feel is that there's the potential for the City to lose roughly another $5-10MM if they don't get the sale correct. At $24k/day (if Channel 13's #'s are correct, my guess is that they are high), it gives them somewhere between 20 - 40 days of "planning" time, before they would have been better off doing a Johnson and just jumping into the sale with both feet.
  17. OK, let me rephrase. When he is actually named commissioner, I MAY consider this a good thing for the Bills and the Bills long term future in Buffalo. Until he is chosen, this means absolutely nothing for the Bills.
  18. When he is actually named commissioner, I will consider this a good thing for the Bills and the Bills long term future in Buffalo. Until he is chosen, this means absolutely nothing for the Bills.
  19. Man that stinks. Anyone know if Richie Kotite would switch sports?
  20. Failure to account for the fact that the quiz was put together by Salon should actually LOWER your score. Machiavelli would NOT be impressed.
  21. Wuss. Perfect Score - 100.
  22. Wow is right. I know that SD has been very dry recently, but I doubt that is the way they wanted to end the drought.
  23. So is MBF #2 an inability to subtract 1998 from 2006?
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