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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Hmmmm, BladieBlah doesn't like others scoring political points off of the increase in the NYC crime rate. If only there were a way to keep people from making a big deal of increasing crime rates? Perhaps not implementing policies that can easily be predicted to cause crime rates to increase? Nah, too easy.
  2. It figures that you would prefer to have go past your chosen route & cut across oncoming traffic 3 times rather than simply turn right where it's appropriate. Astounding.
  3. The freedoms to deface others' property, the freedom to destroy public property, & the freedom to assault others for starters.
  4. That sounds about right. Good luck w/ it.
  5. Ra-cha-cha. Would assume those others as well.
  6. Teams are able to rent ice starting this weekend. So, they're pick up games for adults, but it beats no hockey.
  7. Hockey rinks are opening back up in those areas of NYS that were in the 1st regions to enter Phase 4.
  8. Could be their 3rd best source of intelligence behind their facilities in DC & the Bay Area. (May be behind Boston area as well?) Major research in medical, aerospace, & petrochemicals at a minimum there. (Probably IT as well.)
  9. Umm, newsflash, EVERY consulate is a massive spy center. (Glad it was closed down due to ours not being reopened, but just sayin'.)
  10. Be thankful for small favors.
  11. Can somebody please explain when painted text on pavement became a "mural." We've had murals before railroad tracks & school zones for decades and nobody knew. Maybe it's the yellow paint that makes them "murals?"
  12. Wonder if anybody on the right will be smart enough to come after these platforms for violating campaign finance laws via these "in kind" removals of speech that would be/ were opposing leftists? There has to be a great value to the left leaning groups otherwise Twitter & others wouldn't be doing this. Realize that they're trying to get them considered to be "publishers" as they are now editing the content rather than just hosting it. And that seems like it should be a successful tactic, but it seems there's room to target their actions from a different angle as well.
  13. Yogi, you want your pizza cut into 4 or 8 slices? 4. Not hungry enough to eat 8.
  14. Without seeing the details of the other "Broward County emergency orders" not sure what situations would call for the mask in a person's own home. Though on the surface, that does seem ridiculously onerous. But would expect it to be as ridiculous as it seems at 1st blush as this is one of the 2 counties that were so bad at counting votes 20 years ago EVERYBODY ELSE had to get new voting machines. (Presumably to mitigate the possibility somebody from Broward or Dade county might move elsewhere and spread their ineptness. )
  15. And if you can show a clip of him doxxing somebody in his capacity as a talking head will absolutely agree that he has done what he is accusing the NYT of planning to do & that it is as despicable as what the NYT plans to do. But you are comparing as essentially equivalent the major newspaper in the US doxxing someone intentionally with a commenter to a website partially owned by a very well known cable news network talking head doxxing someone. And you are assigning equal culpability between the talking head and the NYT editors and publisher. Without additional information about the DC doxxing, just simply see no basis for that equivalency.
  16. Umm, active doxxing by the most widely read newspaper in this country is the same as a commenter on a website doxxing someone? Truly don't agree with that take. Have seen people doxxed right here on this site. Our leader and the moderators take action, but it has happened. Doesn't mean they support it. Without more info, would put the DC doxxing more akin to that which occasionally happens here than what the NYT has been threatening to do. Ane yes, the NYT should (& does) know better than to doxx someone. That they are even considering to intentionally do so is extremely problematic. And it begs the questions of Why would they do that? & Why would a supposed bastion of support for free speech be in favor of doing something directly aligned to stifle free speech?
  17. Not that any doxxing is right, but as near as can tell, it looks like the doxxing that Carlson is accused of occurred in the comments section of a website he is part owner of. Agree that the website should be better at taking stuff like that down, but not sure how they keep stuff like that from getting posted at all unless all comments are pre-moderated. Does any site do that? There seems, again IMHO, a bit of a difference between a newspaper planning to (as it seems the NYT hasn't published his new address yet, and hopefully they don't) doxx someone & a commenter to a website posting that information.
  18. Don't watch his show. If you don't mind telling, who has he doxxed in the past?
  19. NB, you're a good guy. But this is a really bad take IMHO. You know darn well that in the current climate doxxing him is a call for defacing of his property at minimum and likely significantly worse. If being arrogant was worthy of that treatment there are several thousand celebrities (in several arenas) that need to start hiring private security for everyone they care about. And this country would be taking a major step towards becoming a 3rd rate republic. Civilization doesn't advance, nor even stay together, under mob rule.
  20. He shoots, he scores! - Foster Hewitt It's pandemonium, it's fandemonium, it's Fann-tas-tick - Van Miller during greatest game ever played. La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-LA-FONTAINE Somebody call the cops Roll the highlight reel - Rick Jeanerret (And one of RJ's that hopefully someday will stop being an earwig - Smehlik clears the puck ... not out.) It's a great day for hockey. - "Badger" Bob Johnson NOBODY circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills - Chris Berman
  21. And that is one of the most absolute frustrating things about the lockdowns and the media & political frenzy about the BLM protests. (Not to imply that the lockdowns & protests are related.) But while we are watching wide swaths of the cultural guardians giving extreme lip service to the concept that the lives of black Americans are far more important than we politically historically make them these same guardians are sitting idly by as policies that will disproportionately hurt black children are being contemplated and shortly will be implemented. And not 1 friggin' word from any of them. Not that we needed any more, but this is unquestionably proof that the people pushing this narrative so hard don't actually believe it. If they did, they'd be up in arms. Sooooo frustrating.
  22. Sadly, compared to the bulk of her coworkers, she probably IS conservative.
  23. Isn't she one of those DA candidates that Soros backed heavily?
  24. You know, you could've just said it was written by Jennifer Rubin & saved everybody time.
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