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Taro T

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  1. Danke. Had seen people pushing Pressler to run for PA governor and the PA part was what was focused on. Yeah, could see Jennings run for major office (gov, senate) in KY.
  2. Pretty sure you're confusing him with Scott Pressler (sp?). The guy that was behind the grassroots get out the R vote in PA movement in the last election and is now working on overturning the D majority on the WI and PA top courts.
  3. Or, they could transfer some workers from offices that are well/fully/over staffed to some of these critically understaffed offices. Believe it or not, in the private sector people get relocated all the time. You will have a very difficult time convincing us that none of the 300 workers that were laid off weren't underperforming nor superfluous. The private sector has been learning how to do with a lot larger cuts than 2.5% of the workforce.
  4. Umm, couldn't somebody vote for him if they wanted to even if the 2 term limit were not revoked?
  5. But what if they were cloned and still had the exact same perspectives as their original versions? (As long as we're discussing improbably unlikely events such as the removal of the 2 term limit for presidencies in this country, why not have some fun with it?)
  6. So, again, shouldn't FDR and Reagan be options to select in the poll?
  7. Well, since we're into impossibly unlikely hypotheticals, shouldn't FDR and Reagan be options?
  8. That clip doesn't say that there'd be no property taxes. It implies there'd be a big shift in how property taxes on single unit residential dwellings are calculated moving towards something like what CA had (still has?) where property tax rates can't increase beyond what they were when the property was purchased/the revised property tax law was enacted. So the current owner gets a set in stone tax rate and the eventual buyer would get hit with a significantly higher rate when ownership transfers. Counterintutively, that change actually seems to have been a big catalyst for CA's taxes in general to start skyrocketing. Were they to try to go to a system with no income tax AND no property tax as suggested by the tweeter's take on the proposal would have 1 question. Just how high are the sales taxes, car registration fees, motel taxes, and business registration fees going to go up to?
  9. The bottom cartoon's donkey should've been saying "no, we're defintiely not off course, maybe if we steer this way a little harder we'll start really going." More accurate representation of what their leaders have been saying in response to events of the past few months.
  10. Hey, hey, hey, now. RESULTS are superfluous. INTENTIONS are what TRULY matter. And let's face it, they flat out win hands down on intentions. Why, any day now, all of CA will be connected by High Speed Rail, the entire country wil have high speed fiber internet, and COVID will not simply be reduced to being a flu on steriods but utterly eradicated. The progs just need a few $TRILLION more and the day after never to finally arrive. Stop being a hater that only judges others by their accomplishments and character. WORDS matter WAY more than actions. (Pretty sure am supposed to say something about "go back to India for even intimating that actions are more important than words" or the like at this point; but just don't feel that much of a lefty today.)
  11. Guess the Mayor doesn't buy the arguments that nothing possibly could've been done to prevent or at least mitigate the damage from the wildfires. Durn democrat hating partisan hack. 😉
  12. Nah, the powers that be in that party know that's not the reason. But they still hope to keep the plebes believing that, so they keep shouting it.
  13. Well, considering his task force expires on July 4, 2026, probably not.
  14. Seriously, you think if 45/47 is on that list that that particular tidbit wouldn't have come out by now? He flew on one of Epstein's planes from FLA up to NY once. If he ever flew on the Lolita Express it would've come out if not when Crossfire Hurricane were in full operation then during one of the several other investigations into him during 46's term.
  15. Minor quibble, it was engineers that figured out how to power the space shuttle.
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