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Everything posted by Doc

  1. No, you were told it was embarrassing and never should have happened, but without guns, much less F-16s and nukes, and they all left on their own after a few hours, there was never any threat to democracy.
  2. Bolton. He neither said it nor was on the receiving end of it, but was there and denied it.
  3. The debates are going to be so bad for Biden. They're going to have to hide him for a week to get him ready.
  4. LOL! Yes, jailing political opponents using trumped-up charges usually never goes well. But by all means, jail him.
  5. True Samuel isn't making a lot, but it's significantly more than the other guys. Hence he's a lock. And true about MVS' per-season production. The difference there is he's played with some of the top QBs in the league. And as such I don't expect him to become significantly more productive now that he's with Josh. And his post-season production isn't amazing, it's just one of the reasons why I think he's a lock to make the team.
  6. The point I was making was they want to see how Josh does without any high-priced WR. I guess I should have clarified that to make it easier. And Diggs under Dorsey was on-pace for almost 1,500 yards. Then after Brady took over his production dropped. I'm not sure if that was because of natural decline, which is hard to predict, or he was being phased-out and he realized it and made a stink. I guess we'll find out. Oh and Mahomes has a superstar TE. Terry's the owner.
  7. Yeah but they're only about 1/4 of the voting population.
  8. Outside of Samuel, no WR is making a lot of money so that's not a factor IMHO. And I'm not sure if they'll keep 5 or 6 WRs, but after looking at it more, I think I'd add MVS as a lock given his experience, fully guaranteed 2024 salary (even though it's just $2.25M) and that he seems to do well in the post-season. I could see them keeping just 5 if they consider Kincaid basically another WR and they feel they need a roster spot for another area, meaning it would just then be Claypool.
  9. With a highly-paid QB, having more than 1 highly-paid WR isn't feasible. And you used to believe that WRs didn't matter ("someone has to catch those passes."). Based on what? When has Terry gone cheap with the Bills, or even the Sabres (despite their struggles)? Send them a suggestion.
  10. And large cities with their substantially increased costs are the answer?
  11. Whitless better be careful. If she keeps it up she might almost get fake kidnapped again...
  12. LOL! Like you need to be tagged to have seen it?
  13. No, I am definitely denying that Project 2025 is the platform of anyone serious. Like he did the first time, eh?
  14. Well there goes Grewsom's chances at the Presidency. Who else do they have?
  15. I wonder if that was their payment? "Protest for Palestine, get a free tent!"
  16. Again that's why I consider myself an Independent. Versus the walking contradiction of being a Dem and supporting Palestine. That's just next level.
  17. Not sure what you're on about, BSTime. I've already told you numerous times I'm an atheist.
  18. Right. Just like Trump would enslave blacks again, start WWIII and refuse to ever leave Office.
  19. The unarmed, home-before-dinner "insurrection." Should go down as one of the top-10 coups in history...
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