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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I never heard that Dorsey wasn't allowed to run Josh. I just assumed he didn't want to do it. And that provides context for drafting another RB this year. Give those carries for Josh to a RB.
  2. I didn't expect him to miss. And even though it probably wouldn't have changed the outcome of the game, he gets no pass. He can't miss those types of kicks period.
  3. Keep him at his current salary and pay him under the table...
  4. He's the son of the President which isn't your average private citizen and as such gets things almost none of do like Secret Service protection and the chance to ride aboard AF1. But I digress. Where it matters is that his laptop was found and contained embarrassing material for both him and his father. Rather than admit it, Biden's team solicited 51 former intelligence agents to lie about it potentially being Russian disinformation, despite the FBI knowing back then it was authentic. That's election interference.
  5. Kool-Aid's always been good. Flavor Aid OTOH...
  6. This is either what they want or they're incompetent. Neither is a good thing.
  7. So now we distrust the doj/fbi? When they don't say what we want right? Ahh, I see how this works.
  8. Drag 'em into your bedroom. I think every state allows you to kill someone there.
  9. Well at least she didn't lie claim it was lying on the couch and she accidentally sat on it...
  10. I doubt he'll die by November. Mentally he'll continue to decline but they'll just try to hide him. Again there's no way Harris is the nominee because she has no chance in hell of winning. It would be better to just nominate Grewsom (and probably a black VP, assuming Harris refuses to be it) and take their chances that the CBC will still go along with it.
  11. But hey, at least he didn't (allegedly) call them "suckers and losers."
  12. I can't see that. They know she'll lose in a landslide. Their only hope is to drag him across the finish line and that enough people are stupid enough to vote for them when it means a Harris Presidency almost immediately.
  13. Without picture ID, how do they do the dozens of other things that sometimes require picture ID?
  14. Probably not. But laptop has been authenticated and everyone knows who "the big guy" is.
  15. Opinion noted. And you know what opinions are like... Good thing the judge made a stink over that laughable "plea deal" last year.
  16. Neither can win but it's gotta be Kammy otherwise the CBC will pull their support.
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