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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    It wasn't just an accusation. He admitted to having sex with her. And without further investigation, they didn't know if he had anything to do with what went on inside. They did what they had to given the scumbag lawyer decided to wait until right before the season started.
  2. If so, that means that Coleman is the #1 WR. So hopefully...
  3. Yes Trump has said some dumb things. He lies. Guess what? So does Biden, but in his case you'll call it "telling tall tales" or "making things up." But the "very fine people" was proven to be a hoax. And I'd also vote for an orangutan before a Dem. You see, you don't have to like your leaders; they just have to do a good job.
  4. Yes. Obama was the "first ever" black President. Hilly, who succeeded him as Dem nominee would have been the "first ever" woman President. And as I wrote above "when that didn't happen"...
  5. No surprise. First impressions are incredibly powerful for some people and many don't bother to hear anything after it.
  6. Meaning first woman President ever, i.e. Hillary. First black female President, i.e. Harris. And so on. And what bs do you believe Trump was serving? Are the Dems you know flabbergasted by what the Dem party has become?
  7. Like I say, they all thought that with the election of Obama, it would be the start of the "first ever..." Dem President. And when that didn't happen, they lost their minds.
  8. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    On the flip side there are those who are sticking to their guns because first impressions are hard to shake.
  9. The "gallows" clearly says "this is art." If there's a reason why the 3 guys who constructed it haven't been nabbed, that would be it. It's also the reason why it wasn't a serious thing. The rest of them though seem suspicious. Especially the whole pipe bomb thing considering bomb sniffing dogs were used and couldn't detect them.
  10. No, it shows what I think of you guys. Easily fooled. But hey, don't worry about "trying to steal the election." Even if Biden somehow manages to win, Mike Johnson will make sure the Capitol is secure.
  11. Except Von was at mandatory minicamp and even attended some OTAs.
  12. The question, and maybe this has been answered earlier, is "how many of Josh's rushing attempts were scrambles versus designed runs"?
  13. Yes. He wants to remove the Constitution. Make himself a dictator for life. Have a Unified Reich. Deport non-whites. Install a Christofascist state. We get it. And yet she still to this day claims the election was stolen from her.
  14. Yup, it’s an ayahuasca retreat.
  15. I think it’s some kind of foot sub-fetish.
  16. I could see Haley. She had a lot of support, is a woman and of color. And before anyone talks about their feud, remember that Harris called Biden a racist.
  17. Nope, not a Republican. As I told BSTime, I'm an atheist and therefore disqualified. I considered myself a Dem at one time and actually voted for Obama the first time but soon changed when I saw the direction the party was taking. It's only gotten worse since then and while Trump isn't perfect, he's a means to an end. Wait, you're telling me that Dems weren't whiny, weak, sore losers who/because they lost in 2016? Hilly specifically? As for the Constitution, look here: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/05/politics/donald-trump-constitution-analysis/index.html It's CNN so you shouldn't have a problem with it.
  18. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    I'm saying that even if the NFL could have done something about it, they likely wouldn't have. Not worth the bad publicity.
  19. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Even though I supported him from the moment the truth started coming out, I can't object to the way the Bills and NFL handled it. They're under no obligation to employ, much less pay almost $1M to, a guy who is facing serious charges, much less a guy who has never played in a real NFL game before, much much less a guy who is just a punter. It sucks for Araiza and for the Bills losing possibly a promising player, but it is what it is.
  20. You don't think him selecting a black or latino VP would move the needle at all?
  21. Like most Presidential VP picks, it's someone to get them the votes they lack. That's why Biden chose Harris.
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