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Everything posted by Doc

  1. You're not finding either. The former was wiped clean 4-1/2 years and the latter likely never existed...except if it came there from the lab.
  2. No doubt such fearsome weaponry will be headed towards a NATO country after Russia dispatches Ukraine in, oh 2 more years...
  3. This is (unintentionally, on your part) hilarious and hypocritical. You realize what party you belong to, right? Like I said, as soon as Trump said it leaked from the lab, they automatically dismissed it. Now there may some element of covering-for-Fauci to it.
  4. "Cheap fakes"? Is that the stupid new term for them?
  5. Everyone knows he lies. He's probably the first private citizen who lies as much as a politician. There's a reason the old joke is "how can you tell when a politician is lying?"
  6. And the lab had lax safety standards which the US was aware of. And China hindered outside inspectors. Yes, altering the DNA to give something a new ability.
  7. No, there is a lab in Wuhan that not only studies these viruses, it also does gain-of-function experiments on it.
  8. Forget it. Trump said it came from a lab so they automatically discount it. It's really nothing more than that because there is zero evidence it occurred naturally.
  9. I'm sure they have a "break in case of glass" but it will be all for naught. There's a reason they've been trying to drag him over the finish line all these years...
  10. No chance. Else they would have done it by now. Also no chance. "I was the wife of the former President" just doesn't do it for most people.
  11. I guess George Floyd has 1 person to blame: himself for passing-off counterfeit bills and taking enough fentanyl to kill an elephant.
  12. "Brings leaders together"...to be aghast as how much he's declined. Except the Nazi of course...
  13. Yup. I also remember the "Trump will start WWIII" and "he'll destroy democracy" and "he won't leave" posts 8 years ago. So you're in the "nah, he's fine" category? I try to avoid it if I can.
  14. You continue electing Dems, this is what you'll get more of.
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