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Everything posted by Doc

  1. If they imprison him for a nonviolent crime that was invented out of whole cloth from expired misdemeanors, there will be bloodshed. Count on it. That’s why I’n positive they won’t even try it.
  2. No, 2020 was mostly about Covid and the successful smear campaign against Trump, playing on peoples fears and the belief that Biden could do better. He he had his chance and now has a record that shows otherwise.
  3. That’s what I’ve been saying for months now.
  4. They might be able to convince the people who would vote for an actually dead Biden. But not for the people who matter i.e. the independents.
  5. Remember what Mike Tyson said about plans. Some people just need to be punched more than once…
  6. Why? If they do, it’s definitely over for them. Never mind how unprecedented this would be in the history of presidential elections, there’s a reason why they’ve been sticking with Biden all this time: because he’s the only one with a snowball’s chance in Miami of beating Trump. Biden was at least somewhat moderate at one time but he lied to everybody saying that he would govern as one. Newsom is far left and nobody would believe him going to the center. He has no chance of winning the presidential election.
  7. No one buys the “he had a cold” excuse. And if that were true, he shouldn’t have been hanging around for hours after the debate.
  8. As far as I know, only John Kelly ever claimed that he said it. But his “I’m surrounded by military people, why would I say that in front of them?” was a great line.
  9. Yup. And has been for awhile.
  10. Anderson Cooper interviewing Kamala Harris on CNN right now and the look on his face is “holy *****, this idiot will be our president if we re-elect Biden.”
  11. It was as close to a knockout as you can get. The substance was less important than the appearance of the two candidates. And the knowledge that Harris would be President almost immediately.
  12. You mean 4 years of Harris. Much less carry his own bag.
  13. I disagree. And not only that, I think you’re gonna hear a lot of talk everywhere about replacing Biden on the ticket.
  14. Again, a totally stupid decision to let Trump have the last word, just so that Biden could be on the right side of the stage. In football that’s like kicking off to start the first half and then going against the wind in the second half.
  15. Biden lost re-election tonight. He was going to lose anyway, but this sealed it. The only question is whether they replace him or not.
  16. I find it amazing that anybody can think that a politician, much less a 50+ year one, isn’t a huge crook.
  17. Hindu. One still is. But she hasn’t eaten beef for the last 30 years.
  18. Trump had mentioned earlier that Biden had more deaths under him despite being given vaccines and treatments.
  19. When my parents came here in the late 60s, they made a conscious decision to assimilate. That meant putting up a Christmas tree, even though we weren’t Christian, and even eating beef. This is what we’re given. It’s the choice of the lesser of two evils.
  20. Ben Shapiro stealing my stuff.
  21. If you can’t see the stark difference in the mental acuity between these two men, you may be in a cult. And remember, Biden took a whole week off to rest up and prepare for this debate.
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