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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Again, totally inexcusable on their part since they were actively participating in covering for his decline. And yet another reason why the media sucks.
  2. Were receiving option open quick enough/available on plays where Josh was blitzed? Seems to me that that (ability, scheme) would dictate it more than anything. Again was there a difference here after Brady took over?
  3. I agree that's what they're trying to do. It's not working/won't work is what I'm saying. That debate was the first unvarnished look at Biden many people (it got almost 52M viewers 😱) and the impression it left won't fade anytime in the next 5 months. Which is why there's more and more talk about replacing him.
  4. They've really bought into/convinced themselves that Biden isn't a pathological liar himself. Or a huge lech. I guess anything to make themselves feel better about him.
  5. If true, who would be your candidate? What do you think they would do differently or, more precisely, how do you think Dems would treat them differently? It's why I've been saying it's a cult for years now. They ignored/excused Biden's mental decline, as well as all his bad policies, because they wanted D's to stay in power. Now people are starting to get wise to it and see the effects, and everyone witnessed firsthand Biden's mental decline, and they want Biden gone because they know he can't win now. It's not about reversing the bad policies.
  6. There is no way they can calm the debate performance is/was a “cheap fake.” They’ll just keep talking about how only Trump lied and Biden had a cold or some other excuse for the performance like “it was just one night and he’s fine all the rest of the time.” We can revisit this if/when someone tries to suggest it was a “cheap fake.” And then laugh our asses off at him/her.
  7. True before. There’s no way to explain away a video we saw in real time and that came from CNN.
  8. Did he specify that he was talking only about the bill or about their endorsement of him in general?
  9. Even worse when you realize he had a whole week to sleep in, take naps around “debate prep,” catch the early bird special and then go straight to bed. Imagine if he, oh, I don’t know, had to actually be a President the past week…
  10. Did the “fact-checkers” count that as a lie by Biden?
  11. They simply have no other choice. But the calls from many to have him replaced have already happened and public record now and you can’t put that back in the bottle.
  12. It’s like asking if the Chiefs should replace Mahomes. As for being a rapist, I see they have no problem trotting out Slick to campaign/advocate for Biden. Little consistency would be nice, but I guess too much to ask for.
  13. I don’t trust anybody as far as I can throw them. Everyone has an agenda and it’s just a matter of figuring out what it is. I don’t know what he thought he heard, but if he was the only one who heard it, it means nothing. Anybody can claim somebody said something without any proof to back it up (and apparently you can win hundreds of millions of dollars without any proof you were raped).
  14. Yup. And as I said elsewhere, he’s already on the ballot in three states that he can’t afford to lose. The new person can’t use his money.
  15. All the money in the world won’t erase what everyone witnessed on that debate stage. And remember, that was with a whole week off to rest and prepare.
  16. Kelly was apparently the only person that heard this. Therefore it’s wholly unsubstantiated. Move on.
  17. Trump should say “I’m not debating Biden again because he won’t be the President if they win. I want to debate Harris.”
  18. None of them have a chance.
  19. I can you’re upset that your party’s dreams of further destroying the country are coming to a close. Good.
  20. Or be raped and get pregnant by your sister.
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